No drugs tonight
So, this is a brief post. I took it easy, real easy today. I ignored that guilt that sets in when there is too much that needs to be done. And, when it got really bad, I took a nap.
The highlight of my day was a call from Arlene. It was so nice to sit back and chat with her.
The reward for taking it easy today is less swelling and no pain. Not a bad deal at all.
I am not going to start a new ling. And, even though I am enjoying drugs tonight, I am not going to post a book. I am simply going to say I changed the pictures on my profile. Also, this morning I was standing in front of the mirror. I look good from the front. But, apparently the back end isn't so hot. DH walked up behind me and said that we need to fix my rear now. I plan on doing it as soon as we get those darn lottery numbers right. So far, I have, very skillfully I might add, avoided matching any numbers. But, remember I said I felt something good was going to happen. Well, it has started. We turned in our paperwork for a home loan today. Within minutes we were approved for a home loan for $10,000 more than I was asking. I am not going over my personal limit, but it is good to know that it happened that fast. Now I need to find a house I like and in my person budget. I would like to find one that has a better backyard than I have.
Good evening everyone,