I am such a baby
In a last ditch effort to get Tricare to pay for everything I needed/wanted, I went off to the doc on Friday for some mole removal. BTW, today is the first day in my life that I have NOT had insurance. The doc I saw was really nice. It took three hours, but he ran back and forth between me and his other patients so I could get 6 done. He knew that my insurance was running out. Three of them were cut off and then the skin was stitched closed. (A first for me.) The other three were burned/frozen off. I hate needles, so the freezing was much better. They are all in spots that rub. And, they are all drving me nuts now. My stitches keep snagging on everything. and, the burned ones are slowly dying and snagging on everything. I am so tempted to cut the dying ones off and cutting off the stitches. But, I know better.
I am a week away from my TT and BA. I didn't mind the stapples from my WLS at all. Actually, I thought they were kind of cool in a not for life kind of way. But, I am not crazy about the stitches I am going to get from my PS next week. Heck, I can't believe it is next week either. I just check the calendar to make sure.
Anyway, I just wanted to whine and warn you that more whining is coming. Now, where did I put that knife?
I have some that I need to have removed when I return home from my one year visit with my surgeon in MI. Well, I called tricare yesterday to find out that I too got denied plastics, still waiting for the actual letter. Wondering if I should appeal or just suck it up. I have no clue as how to appeal with tricare I have never had to with them over anything.
I will send postive thoughts your way for your plastics. I too and wimpy about these kinda things.
Maria, if you go to the main messege board and ask on how to appeal the denial someone will show you or tell you. They are very good about helping...Bremerton , here waiting for my approval to have WLS and am excited. God bless and love and prayers...Good luck all..Some have even osted on their profiles on how to respond to a denial letter...