Fear of dying.
My Labs came back good. So I just wanted to let you all know I got my surgery confirmed for friday August 26, I feel excited and upset both , Im still very worried about my low bn levels , which makes anastesia an increased risk for me. Just curious were all of you who had the surgery worried beforehand, am I just bieng dramatic or should I be soooo scared of my surgery resulting in death, I just cant shake the fear. Every time I look at my 8yr old daughter today I have to hold back the tears. I hope I dont feel this way until next friday (the 26th)
Tom, honey, what you are feeling is normal. I have heard that on this message board from lots of people. I too am worried. My surgery is 2 days before you and trust me, I have thought the same things. I believe in my heart that things will be ok. This is a huge decision to make and if you weren't worried at all, THAT is when you should be worried... if that makes any sense. Take care and think positive.

thanks for your quick reply I really needed to hear someone say something, anything, I try to keep my fear to myself as to not worry my family and friends, so thanks for letting me know Im not going insane lol, I wish you the best of luck as well, I hope you will recover and be home soon enough to post before I go in for my surgery on friday, look forward to exchanging success stories with you in the future.
I, too, had alot of fear. Especially as I was filling out my will and Living Will. I had that heightened sense of "could this be my last time to _____ ?" But my determination won out. The day before the surgery I felt peaceful and excited and knew it was what I had to do to make my life better.
Now my only regret is that I didn't do it 10 or more years ago. I would have been 41 and my life would have been so different. I have been relatively healthy (asthma), but overweight all my life, but recently those co-mobidities we all hear about were affecting my life and I knew it would get worse until I couldn't work. Now I have a chance to live my life more fully and be happy for every day.
Good luck next Friday, we are all wishing you the best!

I just want to say Tom I didnt take it the wrong way I just didnt want you to be blind sided Is all by getting bills you didnt expect to have it will just add to the stress level that you already seem to have enough of..
I know how your feeling but I just kept telling myself that if I did nothing I would die soon enough that is a sure thing ..So I just kept my mind on how much better I was going to feel once the weight started coming off and I'll tell you this I feel better than I have in years and I'm only down 101 lbs.. I did like the other poster said I had a living will made out and I made sure everyone knew what I wanted done if things went bad..I believe your case is just as mine was if we did nothing we had no chance at all so you can bet one thing TOM you will be on my mind next friday and in my prayers that everything goes well for you....I'm lucky I feel because I have had no problems and am able to eat anything I want and never have had any dumping or throwing up so I'm thankful everyday for being so lucky..I want you to be able to say the very same thing to me once you get on the other side with the rest of us WLS people..
You can feel free to e-mail if you like I wouldn't have a problem being there for you to talk to and to keep your mind on the new person you will soon be..I will be pulling for you Tom let me know If I can help in anyway
Hi Tom
Just wanted to say I had surgery on Aug 16 last Year, And was scared to death but I knew I had a chance to lose weigh , On the other hand I knew if I didn't I would die for sure in the next few years.I'm 50 next month and have lost a 100 pounds with 50 to go, I have had no side effects other than my hair thinned out but grew back at about 6 months, I wished I would have done it 10 years ago. you can not believe the change you are in store for. It's wonderful
Good Luck
Mary Jo