Hey Hat
Here I am!
I should have had more time to be around. My boss gave me a raise. BUT, he cut my hours. There's nothing funny about that.
I work my regular job. Then I go and work with DH. You might think we were getting rich. Not even close. But, at least I am getting a new base for my bed. I told DH that it had to be done before my plastics. Since the movers broke our waterbed base, the base has been sitting on the floor. I told him that I wasn't going to try and crawl up off the floor after surgery.
Even though my hours were cut, I am getting extra hours at work this last week. I have to get two weeks worth of work done ahead of time. Plus, a project came to an end, so I have had to put tons of extra hours into that. Last Friday and again yesterday, I had 12 hour days. Today was an easy 9 1/2 hour day. At least I am going to get some over time out of this. My oldest threw a case of Mommy Guilt at me yesterday when he called and begged me to quit my job.
I took off Monday because I had to go see my plastic surgeon. I really like her. I took in a print out with all of my question and we went through the list. My TT is fairly straight forward. So, most of my questions were about my implants. I will be getting silicone smooth medium profile implants filled to 375 to 400. I am both excited and nervous. I know I want it. But, what if something goes wrong and I am trading one problem for another. I am much more nervous about this than my WLS.
My one year anniversary came and went. I didn't do anything special for it except throw up my whole diner. But, that really isn't all that special or strange.
Speaking of strange, we got our dog her own kitten. She loves her little kitten so much that she lets the kitten try and nurse off her. It is the strangest thing to see.
Well, that is a little update from me. BTW, you look absolutely fantastic. Remember that question that your husband wanted answered at group that one time about life after surgery and weightloss? It was on the personal side. Remember now? Well, as hot as you look, I am sure he has his answer and is a very happy man.