Swedish Ballard Hospital..
I need just a litttttlleee more help from all you wonderful people in the Seattle area
I have to thank you guys for being so amazing as I do my research and try to find a surgeon on your turf. So, thank you SOOOO MUCH
I'm going to be staying with a cousin in seattle from the 7-9th, and I'll be attending Dr.Weber's inservice on the 8th at 3:30...before I spend my dad's money on long distance, I thought I'd check here to see if any of you had info about where exactly the meeting is in the hospital? and the address of the hospital so I can help my cousin out a bit? i tried to look on google, but it's a little confusing, so I hope you don't mind me asking here!
By the way, if anybody is going to be at the inservice that day, please let me know and I'll keep my eyes open for you!
Once again, THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, it means a lot to me!
Love and Hugs,