wiggle room at the wish center?
I am working with the Wish Center to have WLS. I was wondering if there are any other Canadians out there who managed to get a discount on the $2000 "after care" fee? I feel like I will not benefit from this service being so far away. I have some coverage (hopefully) through Mail Handlers but there will be portions to pay with them as well.
I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but... My wife and I both went through the WISH center to have our surgeries done and we were both required to pay the entire amount even though we will be duplicating 90% of the items included in the description. I really beat myself up about whether or not to switch to another doctor just because of this fee so I understand completely your reluctance to pay it. In the end, I am very happy with my doctor and the medical team and it was worth it.
Greg Taylor