Protein Powder/Drinks Suggestions Needed!!
Okay, so I'm busy getting ready for my upcoming sugery next Tuesday.
I looked on OH regarding reviews on some of the protein powder/drinks out there, but there is so many and the reviews differ so much for sometimes the same product.
I want a protein drink that I can replace as a meal, and then I'm looking for a unflavored protein powder that I can put in my food and/or crystal light for additional protein.
If you have any suggestions, I would love hearing them. I'm buying it this upcoming weekend so if you can let me know by then ... that would be appreciated.
Also, thanks to everyone who sent me well wishings on my approval and all the wonderful support ... its really appreciated!!! Thanks again!!

Marlize, I can only tell you what I have found to be good. I use the Elite mixes. You can buy them on the site. I tried many drinks and found them nauseatingly sweet or just too heavy. I usually buy the orange dreamsicle or the berry. Both are good. I mix them with 4 - 5 ounces of Carb Control juice. A serving has 23 grams of protein and about 4 grams of carbs.
I can't tell you about the unflavored protein. I found it too lumpy and hard to use so I didn't! A lot of people like it though. I am almost a year out from surgery and can eat most anything just in small quantities. I try to eat mostly protein but still have to use the drinks and bars to get enough.
It's smart of you to find the supplements you like now. I had to spend a lot of time, stress and effort looking for things I could stand to use after the surgery. suzie
Marlize, I am preop and trying all kinds of protein products in preparation fro my surgery. I have used Any Whey unflavored protein powder and it truly has no taste that I can detect. It disolves completely in tap water with vigorous stirring and is not too heavy or thin. I use a whisk to blend it into my SF/FF Jello Instant Pudding. I stir it into a couple ounces of skim milk then add my Dreyer's No Sugar Added Ice Cream to make milkshakes. I also stir it into my chili and soups. I am not big on fruit juices but, I imagine that it would be acceptable that way too. You cab get AnyWhey Protein Powder on . You can also order a great variety of small serving sized samples from thwe same site to try without wasting a great deal of money on products that are disgusting.
Also, I have found a new product that is a fruit flavored liquid. 2.7 ounces has 25 grams of protein. It is called Prodect. I have ordered the sample pack, one of each of the four flavors, and can't wait till it gets here to try it. Another post op told me that she uses it exclusively for her protein. Take a look at my profile and click on the link from there.

I ordered about 10 different samples from I waited until after surgery to try them and I'm glad I did as my taste has changed so much. When I found a couple I liked I ordered larger quantities. I've found that some sites don't charge shipping if you order a certain amount. Good luck, Karen