Individual insurance?

on 6/29/05 6:21 am - seattle, WA
My employer did not choose any "weight loss" coverage at all (through Group health). However, I was conisdering getting individual insurance which will probably have high deductibles and high mthly payments but over the long run I would save money on the cost of the surgery. Does anyone know of an individual plan that covers WLS? Thanks Renee
on 6/30/05 2:38 pm - Seattle, WA
Likely you already checked into this, but... Many plans don't have weight loss coverage, instead they specifically exclude weight loss surgery. If it doesn't specifically exclude it, it may be covered. My version of Group Health dropped coverage at the beginning of the year. My husband's Group Health coverage is now in negotiations, and I understand it'll add a bariatric surgery exclusion. Group Health has a waiting list of at least 8 months. So, off to Mexico I go. -Pam
on 7/1/05 1:20 pm - LOSERLAND, MD
Hello Renee, Boy are you in LUCK! The best surgeon on earth just moved to your area and his staff members are always insurance wizs. Blue Cross Blue shield almost NEVER turns people down. Check out my profile. My last pictures are from 4-6 sizes ago but I am so happy. Here's his info, I would meet with him and see what his staff says. Tell them Hannah in Maryland sent you. Best of luck! Hannah Dr. Chebli 206 782 7441 1801 North West Market Street, Suite 301, Seattle, WA
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