employers who cover wls
I'm a contractor and freelancer, and the agency who I work though (Volt Information Sciences) has a specific exclusion for WLS. I really *really* want insurance coverage for WLS because I simply cannot afford it on my own.
Does your employer have insurance that covers WLS? Who is your employer?
My contract is almost up, so I'll be looking for work soon. I figure I should try to target employers who can help me, because I will help them too by being a very happy (and healthy!) employee.
I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your help!

I work for rite aid and they covered my wls, walgreens and bartells does as well....usually healthcare will cover this procedure with no problem
my mom is trying to get coverage and she works for the state....they have no wls coverage at all...even though we have the same insurance company. go figure
My Hubby works for Cingular Wireless. They have United Health Care, and they covered all but 800.00 of my surgery (which was our percentage). Requirements are a BMI of over 35 with at least one comorbidity or a BMI over 40 with no comorbidities. Very easy to get approval through.
203/118 below original goal of 120
I work for First American Title. We have Aetna insurance, and they have a few hoops to jump through, but the RNY surgery is covered.
Be aware! Just because a surgeon accepts your insurance does not mean they are CONTRACTED with your insurance company. When your insurance company says they pay "100%" - it means they pay 100% of their ALLOWABLE CHARGE. A contracted provider has pre-agreed to accept this allowable charge as full payment. A non-contracted provider will accept what the insurance company pays, then bill you for the rest.
There are no Aetna contracted WLS providers in the entire Northwest.
In my case, this means that I will owe my surgeon over $5,000. 00, in addition to the hospital co-pays and deductible. The nice thing is: First American also has a Flex-benefit plan, so I planned for this expense with pre-tax dollars.
Some things to think about, anyway!