Possible 6 month wait!!! GGRRRR!!
Hi all, first looked into WLS in Dec. and was told that Medicare requires 6 month diet and exercise program. I was sad but figured September wasn't so bad. Anyway had first consult in Feb, I saw a Psychologist in March and started a 2x a month visit with nutritionist and have been keeping an exercise journal. We were all set to schedule me for a June date. I was so happy.
however; I need for Medicad to cover the 20% medicare does not cover. I just applied last week for medicaid. Then I got hit in the head by a sudden discovery.
I was supposed to have medicaid's approval from the beginning. my nurse at he surgeons office who does the insurance work is going to find out if they will be willing to continue where I am at with the stuff I have done. It will be another 3 1/2 months or I may have to start over at 6 months. So Surgery could be September or November.
So now I wait.
thanks for letting me moan and groan.

interesting about you saying Medicare needing 6 months of diet and exercise.i have medicare and never needed the 6 months all I needed was to have my regular care doctor state that she was all for having WLS..Now I know medicaid requires the 6 month diet and exercise..I'm not sure who or where your having your WLS done but I had mine done at Virgina Mason and I only had to wait till the surgeon had a free day to do it.I do hope all goes well for you and that you dont have to start over
Hi Debbie! We have the same names! I am soooo sorry to hear about your delay. I pray for everything to still fall into place for you. I want to thank you for e-mailing me back the other day. I will be contacting the number you passed onto me to see if they have any info they can send me. I really appreciate you sharing that info with me. Oh yeah, I am really not sure how far Yakima is from me. I figure it will be either Spokane or the other side of the Cascades. I'll be in touch!
Byefor now,