I need a hug
Oh Hat,
I'm so sorry. I'm sending you a big hug. Can you tell us more? Did your husband get that job? Oh man, what happened to me today or yesterday..........................well, the best I can do is that we found some parts to my sons car so that we can get it back on the road. I'm very thankful for that but it's really hurting the pocket book, and we still aren't done. I'm praying for you tough.

Wish I could hug you in person! I'll pray for you and fam, Hat!
So here's my good story: My hubby and I were headed out to take our son out for dinner before he left for bootcamp. On our way to the car I noticed that Karl's jeans were different than his usual. As I looked harder I saw that they were MY jeans!!!!! OMgoodness! They fit him like is normal jeans do except... When I commented (ok, I really was kinda jumping up and down excitedly) "you are wearing *my* jeans!!!!" He said, and I kid you not, "I thought they were a little tight in the waist!" And they *were* tight thru the waist! My husband is ***skinny***, people! It was a great moment!
There's a pic of the three of us in my latest entry. I need to get my message board pic updated!
I sent you an email!
Consider yourself hugged!
(-123lbs, 8 months out)

Sorry this is late in coming but all hugs going to you ((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) Hope things are going a little better and you are safe. Something good that happened to me today... Let me think...(can you smell the smoke) Let's see, I found a swimsuit that holds my roll a sock breasts in and since I don't like my elephant looking legs with the loose skin, I actually found one of those swim skirts to wear over it and it actually looks pretty good! Something else good that happened to me was that I went to the book signing for Goldie Hawn and actually took a picture with her and it turned out great!! That made my whole week and I am still excited about it everytime I look at the photo. Hope that made you smile babe!