"Honest" pictures
Thanks for sharing your pictures, Hat. I can't wait until I get down to that weight or close to it. I've really been struggling with eating too much lately and sampling new foods I haven't had any desire to eat before (meaning the first few months after surgery). I hope things are going well for you and your family.
Best Wishes,
Sampling is ok. But, remember all things in moderation. Tonight, DH made our favorite cookies. I had one. It isn't an every day thing. And, I figure it is better to have one and satisfy the craving rather than put myself through h3ll and lose control. After all, when the forced barfing stops, we have to know how to survive the real world.
Hey Ms. Hat,
Reminds me of one of those dogs with extra skin. Not meaning your a dog. But hey, you look great. There's no fat left on your bod. That's great. Your almost to where I want to be, 130 pounds. Dr. Weber wasn't sure I would make it there though. Oh no, I think I forgot to update this last Friday on my profile. I better check. Take care....miss ya.
You look good Hat even with all the extras. You have come a long way. I will be having my surgery in July. It is Rny laparoscopic which will leave less scaring. Tricare just started accepting this procedure. I am going through all of my testings this month, so hopefully I will be on the losing side by July.
By the way how did you get your profile like that?
I am very excited that everything is starting to come together for you. Are you happier with a lap rny than an open? If so, I guess that your set back was just the thing to get you what you would rather have. Wouldn't it have been nice to know that everything would turn out just right a year ago.
It is great to see you posting. I guess we both prove that you can take the girl out of WA but she won't stay gone.
What part of my profile are you talking about. I had a friend help me out in the beginning. And, then Nancy walked me through some other things. Let me know what I can help you out with.