Nine Days and Counting...
Hi everyone - well, I am now officially in the single digits! Nine days until my new birthday and I am so excited. I am getting my phone list ready for my husband to call after the surgery, making lesson plans for my children for when my mom is here, making up maps for my mom, and that sort of thing. I'm trying to get my house clean, but it just doesn't seem to be working, LOL! I've got an Anthropology final and a Philosophy mid-term the week after surgery
so I've been studying, too. (Don't worry, they're both online classes so I don't have to go anywhere!)
I started having sinus pressure and a bit of congestion last night and woke up this morning with a sore throat. I cannot be getting sick right now!! So I've been overdosing on orange juice and taking sudafed and getting lots of
Hopefully I'll be okay soon.
I'll be spending the night in a hotel down in Seattle the night before my surgery since I'm about 2 hours away and my check-in is at 6:30 a.m. My only concern is saying good-bye to my kids before I go. I don't want to lose it in front of them and make them worried.
They are completely and totally informed of everything that is happening, how long I will be gone, what the procedure involves, and my reasons for doing it. It is still going to be hard leaving.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello - let you all know I'm still here and doing the countdown game, and am getting ready!!
Talk to you soon~

You'll be one month post op before you know it. It's going to be a breeze for you, It sounds like you have all your ducks in a row and you're mentally prepared.
You know what works pretty well for kicking a cold or the can get it at walmart or walgreens and I think even always helps ward off the plague for me.
Now that I am post op I have to let the fizz out of it, but it still works wonders.
I have a questoin for you, I was looking at some articles from a navy ship my husband has been assigned to and I saw they had interviewed you in it. He has been assigned to the Uss Reuben James- I see you hubby was on it, can you help me with what to expect? We are going to take a short (5 day) trip to Hawaii to check out the area in june but we don't move there until November. If you have any good pointers or helpful info you can share with me I would so appreciate it.
Good luck Michelle.