I need recommendations for a bariatric surgeon
Hi Misty,
I'm not sure why Chunky Dunker has so many negative physicians and would only recommend one, but 500 surgeries IS NOT that many to have performed.
I would HIGHLY recommend Dr. Oh. He has done, I believe, in the thousands of these surgeries, and yes has had ONE death due to a leak. Due to this, he changed his procedure, and now checks for leaks BEFORE he ever closes you up during your surgery. Most docs wait and do a leak test the next morning. He is VERY upfront with you about his stats, in fact, when you go in to do your pre-op work. He has a print out that shows the number of surgeries that he has done, complications, and the deaths. He did my surgery 6.5 months ago. I have not had one complication, and am 11 pounds from goal. He has a VERY rigid after care program that you must follow. He is also in the nations TOP 20 bariatric surgeons.
I know there are many other people on this board who would recommend their surgeons as well. There are several highly qualified bariatric surgeons in this state.
I would just recommend research, research, research. Also, go in for consults to speak with the physician and make sure you feel comfortable with him/her.
Good luck in your quest for a better life!