Old Member is New Hopeful!
I've been researching WLS for a couple of years now. I used to be a member here a year or so ago but I left because there was no way for me to have WLS and I was discouraged. I had an appointment with a surgeon and was denied by my insurance company because they "Will not cover charges: For any services related to the management or treatment of any overweight or obesity conditions." Now over a year later my husband has a new job with great benefits. The health insurance covers bariatric surgery, in fact there is a whole page on it. According to their criteria (which I've heard many times before) I need to complete six months of a supervised weight loss program and I'll qualify. So, I'm planning on going to the doctor to officially get on a "weight loss program" and she can supervise! I do have a treadmill at home now, so that helps a lot. I'm so excited, it's like I have a whole new lease on life!

Hi Kelly in Cheney!
Well, I'm not 100% sure yet what the name of the company is. He came home with a huge benefits booklet (disability insur., health, dental, etc.) that had all the information in it. It says "Tyco Health Care Connection" but I've never heard of it, have you? (ADT is the employer)
I have a great paying job for this area with benefits paid in full but the only downfall is the health insurance is not very good. It costs me $ (besides the co-pay) every time I go to follow-up with my blood pressure. For awhile the doc was making me go in every month which was VERY inconvenient!
Thank you, and good luck to you! I've been dealing with my weight since I was pre-teen and it's THE most difficult thing to get control of. I sure hope you find something that works for you. Have you had a visit to any of the bariatric surgeons around here?
Priscilla aka MacawMother
Well, I haven't heard of "Tyco Health Care Connection" and I'm not familiar with ADT. So... when you find out for sure about the coverage, I would love to know more about it.
I haven't auditioned for "Gimme the Mike" although just about everyone I know has suggested that I should. I've thought about it but just haven't felt good about my self-image. I just know that I would hate seeing myself on TV!
How about you? Have you auditioned?
I used to do quite a bit of singing in Spokane (for the Catholique Cathederal "Our Lady of Lourdes", for the Bach festival, for the Symphony Chorale and for the Spokane Indians and Chiefs games) but I just haven't had the desire since I've put back on soooo much weight. Like you, I have always been large, but until recently, it hasn't really affected my daily life. I used to be able to overlook it but not anymore!
Depression has really set in. Oh well... I don't mean to bring anyone down.
Again, I hope that everything works out for you and I would really like to know more about your health coverage.

Ok, now I don't feel weird because I have never heard of that company before either! You bet I'll let you know as soon as I find out more. I ask hubby every night and he keeps telling me he forgot to ask about it! I do know that he only has to wait 30 days before the benefits kick in which is really good since most companies make you wait 90 days. I don't know for sure but I'm guessing that there will be a 9 month wait for pre-existing conditions since that is the standard. I need to get to the doctor to start my "supervised weight loss program".
Yeah, I auditioned for the first one and didn't make the cut. I was quite surprised that I didn't make it when I heard the people sing who did. I did know a couple in the first season but haven't recognized anyone from the second season. As for my weight and being on TV, yeah it wouldn't be pretty but it would still be cool. I guess my bigger fear would be they wouldn't like my appearance and would keep me from being picked.
I feel the same way. My weight has not been a problem until the last several years or should I say the last 50 pounds or so. I haven't felt comfortable in shorts since high school so I just don't wear them, not to mention sleeveless shirts. Just working around the house on the weekend gets me huffy, back aches, knees hurt, and I just feel old and I'm only 30 for cryin' out loud! I've got high blood pressure and GERD. I feel fortunate that I haven't been plagued with diabetes since it is all over in both sides of my family.
Don't give up, I did and things are lookin' up now. Keep your chin up, somethings gotta give!