Hi, is anyone from the right side of the state?
I am pre-op and seeing DR Mcfarlane, associate of DR Shrock. I have a 6 month wait while I see nutritionist and excercise. only 5 months to go. Sure plan on being approved!!
I hope to go to my first support group meeting tonight but I'm having car troubles. As usual, I am too broke to take it to a pro. so I depend on my sweet son.
I also have a bad back ache which may prevent me from going too. I am resting but it is really burning and inflamed. Oh well, I can always go to the next one. Just should not work as hard the day b4 meetings.
I am so excited about WLS. I wish I did'nt have to wait so long but I guess I'll be more prepared to care for myself in the long term. I've been huge since childhood so I can wait a few more months. But darn it, I am so jealous af all of you wonderful losers. I want to be a loser too!
Thanks, Debbie

Hi Debbie,
I'm living in California right now, but will be moving to the Spokane area in the next few weeks - possibly Deer Park, so we might be "neighbors"
I'm having Lap Band surgery in Mexico on Monday, and like you I'm incredibly excited. There have been some ups and downs (I had to cancel once due to finances, but was able to get my original date back just a few days ago). Everything was finally sorted out yesterday, so I'm on cloud 9
My husband is also considering surgery but is going to wait until we get to Washington before he sees a doctor about it. He is considering the Fobi Pouch, but we want to find out more about the procedure before making a final decision.
You are doing the right thing by trying to get as healthy as possible before surgery. I hope the time flies by for you - you'll be a loser before you know it.