on 4/1/05 12:06 pm - Oak Harbor, WA
Well, my visit with Dr. Weber went exceptionally well. Thank you to all of you who prayed! He asked me a bunch of questions first and told me that it would probably be June or so when I could have it. I said, "Well, I kind of have a time constraint." He asked me about it and I explained my situation to him. He looked over all of my papers and all of the things I'd already done and he said that I was very organized (LOL - he said it over and over again) and that IF I worked my tush off (45 minutes a day/7 days a week) for the next two weeks and faxed him a log that we could do it. All that I've got to do is a cortisone level, nothing else at all. He said that he'd wished I had been exercising over the last month or so (I honestly have barely moved off of my couch the last month or so) but I told him that I could work the next few weeks. So, we talked to Lisa and we set a tentative date (pending Triwest authorization) for May 3rd. So there we have it! Right now I'm so exhausted from driving all the way down there and (we went to take the ferry but there was a huge wait so we turned around and went the wrong way) going an hour out of our way, so it took us almost 3 hours to get home, LOL! So, anyway, Im really tired so I'm excited but not as excited as I would be if I weren't pooped! That date works perfect for my mom, too so everything went exactly as I'd hoped it would, thank you, Lord! Michelle
on 4/1/05 1:08 pm - NM
How exciting. I figured that if you just told him about your needs, he would work with you. But, I will warn you, he is serious about exercising. And, you have to respect that he wants his patients to be successful and isn't just after their money. That was one of the things I really liked about him. I am so happy you changed doctors. Thanks for the update. I signed on hoping you had posted. Hat
on 4/1/05 8:36 pm - Spokane Valley, WA
wtg great news, hopefully I will be getting my date soon. Yes exercise is a must and I can't do much with fibromyalgia but I am trying. I am so happy for you best of luck and I will be thinking good thoughts. Marylou
Melinda J.
on 4/3/05 11:57 am - Seattle, WA
Michelle, Best wishes, I hope that everything comes together for you and that you are actually able to move forward with a May date. My surgery is on Tuesday, April 5th. It seemed like ages away when the told me and here it is. I really hope it goes well for you and that it works out. My insurance is United Health Care and was approved after first request. However, due to some problems at the Hospital and Staff, it took them some time to submit my request. It was hard waiting but what could I do.... when I finally got the approval it was one of the top moments in my life! Seriously - I was so excited! I hope this happens soon for you. Good Luck, Melinda Seattle
on 4/5/05 1:31 pm - Vancouver, WA
WOOHOO!!!! YEAH FOR YOU!!!! I am so happy for you! Keep me posted!! Tammy
Kimanne B
on 4/8/05 4:47 am - Near The Emerald City, wa
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!! See..... I told ya things would work out *wink wink* I'm so glad this is finally going to happen for you... I've been praying for ya. Bless your heart, its about darned time huh! Much love, Kimanne
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