Photos to Share
OK I think I'm ready to pull out what hair I have left.
I've spent the last hour or two trying to figure out how to post more photos. I found a website through another lady's profile. I think I finally got it to work but somehow the photo album contains two sets of photos. There should be 22 but the slideshow will actually take you through 44. But you can stop, rewind, ff, etc. as you wish. I hope it works. Please let me know if it doesn't. I really need to take an HTML class.
Oh yeah, the link is posted at the TOP of my profile under the "Web Site" caption.
Love Diana

My young, skinny me says thanks for the compliment. Tell your 8 yo that he's too young to be having that sort of reaction. Is this the one that plays with Barbies. Now I get it. I remember how Barbie has an itty bitty waist and huge knockers.
Kids grow up way to fast.
Glad you're finally settling in.
Love Diana

That's one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. It made me feel so good. Thank you, Hat.
I'm glad you found your scale and congratulations on your continued weight loss and getting into was it Size 6? Wow! I can remember a black mini skirt I had in that size. But I was more like a Size 9 in my younger, skinny days.
I know what you mean about a good bra. It really makes a difference doesn't it? I still have a ways to go but I too have mixed feelings about PS. I don't think I want my nipples messed with, they're too important to me.
But it would be nice for them to be looking straight forward instead of down south like now.
I'll be seeing Chanise this evening I believe. Remember her? She was at B&N when we all got together that fun day. Will post on her status later.
Take care.
Love Diana

Thanks Vanessa. You look great! I took a peak at your profile. Amazing! You have lost 164 pounds. Wow! Congratulations! I know what you mean about being "brain heavy." I still go for the larger, handicapped stalls at a public restroom thinking I need the extra room but I really don't.
By the way, you're very beautiful!
Love Diana