OT: Moving complaining
I decluttered before we moved. But, knowing that we wouldn't be anywhere
near an Ikea probably ever again, I went ahead and bought some new dressers
that I knew we would need and I really wanted. So, I knew that we would be
heavy. And, honestly, I know I have a furniture fetish. I love furniture. I
have two couches, one love seat and a chair that matches the older couch. Oh
and there is also the glider that my mom bought me when I was pregnant with
Jeremy. I also have a sectional that my mom gave me, but we don't have with us
yet and it is huge. The boys share beds, so we have two bunk beds and our
water bed. So, that could have been worse. Everyone in the family has their
own dresser. Plus, we have three smaller ones for socks and underwear.
Philip and I each have our own desk. And, we have 4 bookcases-one good oak one
and three cheap press board ones. And, of course there are other things like
TV stands and such. OK, so this doesn't seem excessive to me except maybe
the couches.
The Air Force decided that we should only have 9000 pounds of stuff. We
were shocked to find out that we have 15,300 pounds plus the 1,100 lbs we moved
ourselves. We will be receiving a bill in the mail.
This I can live with. It sucks. But, I love my stuff. I would rather pay
to move it than junk it and buy new. But, apparently the movers decided to
help us declutter. They broke so much of our stuff. The list, which grows
daily, includes the waterbed, one TV stand, our dresser, a push lawn mower,
both computer desks, the basketball goal, phone stand, tore holes in my leather
loveseat, and much more that includes losing two boxes of stuff. And, there
is the small damage they did to things such as rubs and gouges in stuff. We
have to keep all of the broken stuff stored until we can file a claim. And,
to file a claim, Philip has to travel 2 hours to the nearest base to take a
class to learn how to file a claim. The only good thing is that I paid extra
for full insurance cover instead of the pennies on the dollar that the AF
gives us automatically. But, it makes me sick to know that I will have to pay
out of my pocket for stuff that they trashed.
So, there you have it, this weeks complaining from me.

Hey Hat,
I have really missed you!!!!! Don't tell me you haven't filed a claim before now?? Your not serious about having to take a class are you? I'm glad to hear that you on your way to getting settled so maybe we can hear from you more often
Best of luck with getting settled.
Hey, I went to Dr. Weber's orientation the other day. He was so nice, he even walked us out to our vehicle. I didn't get up and talk because he had someone else there talking but he did ask me if I wanted to talk. I don't like talking in front of people so I said maybe later but he never asked again so I didn't. I told him I would next time I came. It was a good meeting though.

Woohoo. Your a WLS model now. You know we are going to need updated picture now that your a celeb.
We have been really lucky with our moves. Someone told me that you can move around the world and back and not have that much damage. But, move one state over and they will break half of your stuff. Between that and the way our luck has been lately I knew I better pay for the full replacement coverage insurance. When we moved to Japan, they broke maybe two things. One was an entertainment center. And, they just broke the bottom off of it. It still worked and no would could tell it was altered. They actually broke it in front of us when loading it on to the truck and were really nice about it. The other things was some piddly little thing that didn't much matter anyway. We decided not to claim it.
You know your going to hear much more from me.
Did I tell you about the psycho landlord's wife yet? I can already tell I am going to have a lot to say in the upcoming months.