RNY vs. DS????
I do not know that much about DS, so I could not give you a good pros and cons statement about the two. I do know with DS that you are not limited as much on the amount you can eat due to pouch size, and I do believe that DS'ers can still eat sugar and what not. There USED TO BE more malabsorption issues with DS'ers, but I'm not sure if that has been remedied yet. This might be a great question to pose on the main message board if you have not already. Also, I do know that MOST insurance companies consider DS "experimental" and will not cover it as a weight loss surgery, even though I believe the DS has been done just as long as the RNY.
I had the RNY, and have had great success. It is very hard not being able to eat "normal" quantities, but it is something you get used to. I have had to retrain my brain that when something tastes good, I can only eat my measured amount, and remember that in a few hours, I can have more of it if I want. My doctor wants us to eat 6 times a day, so I eat six mini meals. Many docs are different on this approach as well.
I suggest doing research, research, research. Try and speak to physicians who do the procedures you are interested in, and get the facts before you make your decision.
Thank you so much for your reply...I really appreciate it a lot. It kinda stinks because all of the surgeons that I have called are really busy (it's their job) and no one can answer any of my questions...They tell me to come in for a consult...Which would be great, but I don't have insurance so I have to self pay...
Congratulations on your continued weight loss. You are very pretty! Keep up the GOOD work and God bless! It's people like you that make my journey worth the travel.
Anne S.
on 3/19/05 7:42 am
on 3/19/05 7:42 am
Hi Darcy,
I've been doing lots of research on the DS vs. RNY. There are a few very good Web site for the DS. I found this one yesterday:
Here are a few success stories from the duodenalswitch.com site. I'd like to get the DS, but I haven't found it available in WA state (with a surgeon I trust).
And here's a surgeon:
Take a look around for more DS information would be my only suggestion. Good luck in your search, and your journey.
anne (SeattleWaGal)

Hey Anne,
THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY and all the GREAT links! I appreciate it a lot.
How are you...I've been e-mailing you...Maybe you aren't getting them. Well, I see that you too are doing your homework on the DS vs the RNY. I'm leaning more towards the DS side of things. I don't think that I'm going to have the MINI-Switch surgery that I told you about...I've not heard too many good things about it...or the surgeon...We'll see. I am wanting to do what's best for ME and my Family. They are the most important parts of my life.
Well, when you get a chance e-mail me.
I researched it for two years starting after my daughter had the DS in Spain 3 years ago TODAY!! It has been around about 15 years vs. 30 years for the RNY. It is a little more complex to perform which is why there are fewer doctors doing it as it takes specialized training. I chose the DS mainly for the no dumping and less restrictive eating but mainly for its best results in sustained weight loss. It is extremely rare that weight is regained. If you're doing your research, be sure and look at the Duodenal Switch Information Zone website and check out the Duodenal Switch forum on the OH website for starters. I looked outside of Washington State since IN MY OPINION there was nobody here I wanted to perform MY surgery. I first looked at doctors in Portland, then Dr. Keshishian in Delano, CA (excellent surgeon!) and ended up with the Drs. Rabkin in SF who are the masters. They have performed over 1400 DSes and over 800 of them Lap.
I am still fighting insurance but believe I will WIN in the end. Too much data is coming out now dispelling the myth that the DS is investigational or experimental and they're coming around. I did them a huge favor by wiping out all the 7 meds I was on including insulin and Glucophage for my diabetes that has been GONE since leaving the hospital. This is why I chose WLS to eliminate this horrific disease that was going to surely shorten my life!!
I am in no way dissing the RNY - it has been a very successful surgery for a LONG time. I knew for me it had to be the DS. Best of luck to you in whatever you choose - keep researching and ask questions.
-67 lbs
one happy camper!!!