Anyone near Bellingham interested??
In starting a new support group? The one I currently belong to isn't working out for me. Just checking to see if there are people in Whatcom or Skagit County or across the border in Canada (Vanessa!) interested in starting a group. Can't be that hard to do can it??
Oh yeah, I just HAD to try the new emoticon
It's too funny!

Lori, The new emoticon is too funny! Very fitting for a lot of post-op issues.
I would be more than interested! Let me know if there is anything I can do anything to help! I live only 3 stop lights from the truck crossing in Blaine and work in Bellingham. I am actually in WA more than Canada, so whatever I can do. ~Vanessa
That would be great! You live very close to where I work! My office is on H Street! Do you have any ideas of where and when? I think an evening meeting would be best. Doesn't matter to me what day of the week. The WLS Bellingham group meets over by St. Joe's hospital. I think they get the room for free.