WLS & the Flu
Hi everyone... its been awhile since I posted.. mainly because not much goes on in my life since surgery.. By the Grace of God I have had an easy path with zero complications. That being said, I spent last night and this morning in the hospital with what they thought was a leak. Turns out it is simply the flu. Oh my goodness! For everyone out there that has had complications, my heart goes out to you!!!
Since Sunday, everytime I have eaten or drank, my tummie went into what felt like convulsions and tumbles and turns! I could not stand it anymore and went to the ER. I was diagnosed with the flu and I also have a five inch cyst on my ovary. Both which were contributing to my abdomenal pain. I'm writing this because I had NO IDEA how much worse having the stomach flu would be after having gastric bypass... let me tell you, it's like nothing I've ever felt. I was sure something had gone wrong with new tummie. Thank the Lord above that was not the case. So the moral of my story... THE STOMACH FLU IS WAYYYYYYYY WORSE AFTER HAVING WLS!!!! I can't even describe the feeling... so ladies (and gentleman) just take darn good care of yourself and avoid the flu like it was the plague!
Hope everyone is doing fine and things are going just peachy in your lives
I'm down 99lbs... waiting for that last 1 lb to be a member of the century club! Other then my lil' trip to the ER, my life is relatively peaceful
God bless each of you, XoXo~ Kimanne

I's glad your feeling better..I can't even begin to think how you must have felt when you thought you was leaking.
I just want you to know I'll keep you close to my heart and in my prayers.
I can't put it into words how much your help has meant to me..
So god bless you and I'm preying for a speedy recoverey for you
My Friendddddddd!!! How are you?! Wow, I haven't talked to you in SOOO long! Great job on your weightloss too! You have been such a big inspiration for me... thank you so much! It's good to see and hear from you again
I need to make more time and log on more often... funny how when we lose weight and start feeling better about ourselves how our lives seem to become overwhelmingly busy...... ok thats my thought for the day *lol* Love ya and God bless ya Dan, ~Kimanne