Coming clean
Well, I have been out of the closet for about 36 hours now. Or maybe I should say from behind the door.
My parents showed up a little after noon yesterday. I stood behind the hotel door while the boys rushed them. I don't know what made the boys more excited...seeing their grandparents for the first time in a long while or showing me off. Even before I exposed myself, the boys were telling them to look at me. I had thought about having a camera ready to get a picture of that first look. And, I probably should have done so because the looks on their faces were priceless. After they picked their chin from off the floor, the complements started. That was very cool. LOL Then my second son dropped the bomb. "Mom, did you show her the scar yet?" Opps. That wasn't really the plan. My dad didn't hear. But, my mom sure did. There was a lot of action in the room at that moment. So, I asked her down to the lobby of the hotel. I described the operation and answered all of her questions. But, being in shock, she didn't have all that many at that time. I also explained why I didn't tell her. The poor woman went through so many emotions. At one time, there were tears in her eyes. As a mom, I can understand.
After, we headed back to the room where I took her to my web page. My dad was still clueless until he saw my before and after photos. I hadn't noticed that my first photo says pre-op on it. My dad immediately saw it and wanted to know exactly what op I was pre for. He was thinking tummy tuck. I pulled up another person's webpage because she had some good pictures to help me explain what the surgery involved. Then there were more questions. In fact, the questions haven't stopped.
Over all, they are happy for me. I printed off my diaries for them to read. And, to keep them safe, I put them in our fire safe. Then I promptly forgot where I put the key. Tonight, my dad told me that he was glad that I didn't tell them. He said he wouldn't have slept for 6 month from worry. He also told me that I shouldn't lose even one more pound. When I mentioned that I would like to lose another 20, I thought they might smack me across the back of the head.
So, over all I did the right thing by not telling them. And, now was the right time to tell them. They are going to be active in helping me find a new surgeon to take over my after care. And, after seeing my lose skin, my mom said they will help me find a good plastic surgeon.
Now I get to see the rest of DH's huge family. One of his brothers drove all over town looking for us the other night because he had heard that I was skinny. (I still can't get used to saying or thinking of myself as "skinny.") The poor guy didn't know we had left town for a couple of days. Then tonight I was supposed to go with DH to see him. But, I was tired and wanted to come back to the motel. He just might kick my butt when I finally see him.
DH warned me to expect to be picked up. With DH's family, I am averaging about one family member a day. At this rate, it will take me the rest of the year to see them all.

Congratulations on your weight loss and on all of the positive things that are happening for you!
I haven't finished reading your profile, but I want to thank you for all of the time and effort you have put into it, as a pre-surgery patient it helps me more than you know.
I wish you continued success and look forward to seeing more of your updates.

Hands down, Nancy has the best profile. I thought about stealing some of her info for my profile. Then I decided I would just post a link on my site. If nothing else, my webpage and profile are long winded. I printed off all of it for my parents to read. I was shocked at how much is there. But, I am glad I wrote it because there is so much that I have forgotten already. I started my pre op diary in hopes of being able to help someone else like I have been helped by others. Now I think it is mostly for me though. I suspect that it might be a bit boring for others.
Thanks for the reply.
I am glad that your family is being supportive of you and your new lifestyle. I know what it is like to have family not understand your decision and to be scared of the results of our decision. My family is now coming around and my dad can not brag enough now about my accomplishment and my mom came by my work last week and did not recognize me until I spoke to her. It is a good feeling isn't it?
So enjoy your new life, you earned it!
161 pounds gone forever!
Hi Hat
I am just recovering from being banded and I wanted to drop a note to say Congrats
on the weight loss and being able to show off that new trim YOU to your family!
I can hardly wait for that time to come for me, esp right now, while I am in the throws of my early recovery period and tummy growlings. Have to focus on the "prize" at the end. I know, my family's reaction is going to be the same as yours was!
Oh, my profile sucks.... I don't know how to add pictures or little cool graphics. Maybe I can try to figure out something to spice it up!