
on 2/17/05 11:21 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Well, here's my long story short (hopefully). I have everything done that I need to have done. I went to my surgeon, got the approval for surgery, had my nutrition consult, had my lab work done, had my psych eval, everything's done. So...what's the problem?? When I went to my surgeon's office the first time, I had a huge list of questions for him, the very first one was "How many of these surgeries have you done?" Well, the doctor said, "Let me just say that the procedure is a very simple procedure. The difficult part is learning the laproscopic part of the procedure. I've done over 2,000 other GI type surgeries and the RNY is a very simple procedure. I used to teach the laproscopic procedure at Mayo Clinic, however, I've only done 3 RNYs." At first it didn't bother me. I thought, "Hmm...well, if it is a very simple procedure, it's not a big deal then if he's only done a few and he's very good at what he's doing as he's done so many other ones, taught the lap procedure, etc. it's alright." I always had this nagging in the back of my brain, but I kept dismissing it. So...I got the approval for the surgery (for between 3/15 and 3/25 of this year!!), talked to other surgeon's about my docs experience (or lack thereof) and they've all said to be very concerned. So, I decided to go with another surgeon. I decided that I wouldn't let my excitement about getting this surgery cloud my better judgement. The doctor I've chosen has a seminar that he requires every WLS patient to attend. I went to it (and it was awesome) and called my insurance company. They said that since I've already SEEN a surgeon for WLS, I would need to see this other surgeon as a 2nd opinion and if they needed to see me more, then they can request further visits. I can see that. But, they said that the new surgeon would have to get authorization for the surgery, they can't change the doctor on the surgery request. So, basically, my initial authorization is worthless, null, and void. Sigh... okay, I don't see that, but alright. So, I called to schedule an appointment with the new surgeon. I can't get in to see him until 4/1. I'm so sad. I was really hoping to have the surgery in March!! Basically, I'm starting over from square one with my surgery authorization. I'm so frustrated. If I'd just have listened to my gut initially, I wouldn't have wasted over a month! Hopefully, though, he will accept my psych eval (although there are other things that he requires with the psych stuff, so I can work on getting that done before I see him), my labs, and my nutrition consult. I just feel like I've wasted SOOOO much time (okay, I only saw my PCP 1/3 and the other surgeon 1/17, but it's still a waste of over a month!). My mom is coming up here when I have the surgery and she'll be out of the country from late May until early June, so if I don't even see the surgeon until 4/1, there's a chance that they will schedule the surgery for while my mom is gone. I would have to have it no later than the first week of May or I'll have to wait until after mid-June. Sigh - I really don't want to wait that long. I'm just annoyed and needed to vent. Thank you guys! Michelle
on 2/17/05 1:33 pm - NM
So you switched to Dr. Weber? IMNOHO, I think you did the right thing. All sorts of alarms went off in my mind when you said that other doc didn't think the surgery was all that hard. If the lap part of it was the only difficult part, then there wouldn't be such a high death and complication rate for open RNY. I know your disappointed, but this is too serious to not be picky about. When you have your appointment, take everything with you and make sure you have copies for yourself. If you are set to go, then they can submit your paperwork that week. I couldn't say how long approval is taking now, but it will probably be fast. Be sure and talk to Pam. She might know how to get your approval switched over without having to reapply. I have noticed that I can't always rely on what the phone TriWest people tell me. Good luck and keep trusting that gut. Hat
on 2/18/05 4:26 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Thanks, Hat. I did talk to Pam and she said basically the same thing that TriWest said to me. I got my 1st approval in less than a week, so hopefully the 2nd one won't take that long. I agree, this is too serious not to be picky about it. I think I'm doing the right thing and now that I've had almost 24 hours to think about it, I'm okay with it. It's just a bit frustrating as I have NOTHING to do right now. I've got all of my pre-op stuff done, so there's nothing that I can be working on to 'keep me busy', ya know?! Take care~ Michelle
Gerriann A.
on 2/18/05 3:48 pm - Spokane, WA
I know that starting over if hard but I hope that it will go quickly in this second round as you have been approved once prior. I am sure when you tell the new surgeon your story they will get things settled quickly. You did the best thing. Hang in there and know that it will happen. -Gerriann 161 pounds gone forever!
on 2/20/05 10:54 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Thank you, Gerriann - I think it will go more quickly this time as I've already gotten all the pre-op stuff done that I believe Dr. Weber wants. I've gotten the psych eval, nutrition consult, and lab work done. I've read through the entire packet and I do believe that is all the he will want. Now it's just a matter of getting the okay from the insurance company AGAIN - but since theyu've approved me once, they should again considering it will have only been a month or two. Michelle
on 2/20/05 12:03 am - Yorktown, VA
Hi Michelle! Sweetie, you made the right choice in following your gut on this one! This is NOT an easy surgery and any dr that tells you different.......ugh........right choice to switch!! I know its hard to wait......I waited all summer back east with my family (i know I was insane!) for my authorization and then set surgery date. Be happy and proud that all your work is done........that its out of your hands for the time being. You've made your decisions, done all the leg work, and now...give it away.....let them do what they are paid to do for you........ And if I must say (a bit biased here cause he's my surgeon too), Weber's office was VERY good about staying on TriWest and getting what they needed from them. Keep your chin up and keep your mind focused on you....... Great work girl! Keep following your gut and you can't go wrong! Smiles from Stacie
on 2/20/05 10:56 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Thank you, Stacie - I am happy that I have everything done that I know to do. The sitting back and waiting is the hard part, LOL! Michelle
karen C.
on 2/20/05 7:05 pm - Kennewick, WA
Michelle, I understand your frustration and disappointment. I just had surgery on 2/16 and am now home. Things could not have gone better and a MAJOR part of that was the surgeon that I chose, Dr. David Lauter of Kirkland. He and Evergreen Hospital were phenomenal! You are entrusting your life to this person so make sure that you feel comfortable with your choice. The time will go fast even tho it doesn't seem like it. You will be glad that you waited! Best wishes, Karen
Kimanne B
on 2/23/05 11:38 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Hi Sweetie! This is just my opinion, but I think you did the right thing. I know how frustrating it is... but better to be safe then sorry! This is a major operation and we want you in the best hands possible!!! Keep your chin up, it will happen.. and when ya need to talk, we're here! Love ya! XoXo~ Kimanne
on 2/24/05 1:27 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Thank you, Kimanne - I know that I did the right thing and now that I'm a week or so out from the whole deal, I feel a lot better about it. I won't be having my surgery when I hoped that I would, but it will be much safer and I just feel so much better about the surgeon that I've chosen. In the whole scheme of things waiting an extra month or so isn't that big of a deal when we're talking about my lifetime, right?!?!?!?! Thanks so much, and you're still going to be my angel, right?!?!?!?! Michelle
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