Dang movers
The movers came by today. I forgot to move the scale out of their reach. So, I am not going to have daily weigh ins until my scale catches up with me. I hope they were gentle with it. It has been good to me...for the most part. I am so used to doing morning and nightly weigh ins. I know I am going to have withdrawls. I might be tempted to buy another scale. But, I don't want to cheat on my ol' boy. I am fighting the urge to run up stairs and rip the box open.
Another interesting thing happened today. I had to carry some weights down the stairs and out to the car. At one point, I was carrying 70 pounds. The one thought I had (other than keep breathing
) was how the h@ll did I walk around with all that extra weight just a year ago. I am amazed I could even get out of bed every morning.
Have a great week all. I am going to have to try and catch up later. I shouldn't be spending V-day alone cleaning my house. Then again, he didn't get me those SF Turtles that I told him every day for 3 weeks I wanted.
Have a good week,