Help! able to eat more and things taste normal
I know I am probably worrying about something totally normal, but I do not know how to handle it well.
I am 7 and a half months out, still losing, very slowly, but my pre-op appetite has come back with a vengeance and I am able to eat more than I did for a while. Tonight I ate a whole tuna melt and it tasted good! If I'd just eaten half, I would not have felt full. Yikes! Please help but don't bash.
Hi to those of you I haven't posted to in quite a while. I've been busy moving and stuff like that, and occasionally having computer problems. Hope you are all doing well and hi to the newbies, too and good luck!
thanks LM
87lbs down
lauren, please remember that everyone progresses at a different rate, some are not able to eat as much as others, and some cant eat a lot of certain foods period. you are almost a year out, and according to the nutritionist i see, a year out post op should be able to eat 8 oz on a regular basis. remember you have a tool, if you are worried about your intake, you can always go back to 1/4 or 1/2 of a cup for a while. up your protien and water cut back on fats and carbs and you should see your weight loss increase again. it works for me anyways. sometimes i feel like i can not get full and other times i get full off of a few bites, it just depends on the day. its realy nothing to stress or worry over as long as it isnt an everyday every meal occurance, then i would bring it up to my dr. good luck to you and way to go on a job well done. 87 pounds is a lot in such a short time. keep up the good work!!
It seems that if I start the day with carbs, I crave more food. Just think about how much you might've eaten before surgery and compare it to what you ate on that day. Some days I am surprised at the amount of food I can get in and think the body must've needed it and had room for it in the intestinal tract. Other days aren't like that. Maybe this was an isolated event for you. Even if it isn't, think of how much fuel your body can use and needs. In the bigger picture, you'll continue to lose weight. And just think of how your diet is STILL less than what you probably used to be able to consume. I hope you don't get too worried about this, because it'll be okay. 87 pounds gone forever! That is awesome. Pretty soon you'll be at the 100 pound mark of pounds lost. Exciting stuff.
Lauren - found this post on the main message board and thought you might find it helpful. ... not sure if posting a URL works, but it is: - abou****er loading - 'soft food syndrome', keeping satisfied at lower calorie intake., etc..