XXX - Women Only Please!

on 2/10/05 9:41 am - Tacoma, WA
OK somehow I posted this message on the main board this morning so I'm "reposting" it here too ... Betcha the title alone will get 100 hits! Hope this subject matter isn't too risque'. But I just have to let all you pre-ops know that along with better health, more confidence, and numerous other things, there is one big secret plus to weight loss surgery and that is a much better sex life! My lower back, butt, and inner thighs have been sore for the past three days. I was so proud of myself the other night. I think my husband was pleased too. I haven't been able to move like that in years! Just thought I'd let you know; life truly is better on the losing side! Love Diana
on 2/10/05 10:31 am - Oak Harbor, WA
Woo-Hoo, Diana!!! Way to go!!!! My husband and I have already discussed different - umm... options for post-op! I have a very specific ... umm... position ... that I would like to try that we're not able to do at this point so that's given my husband something to look forward to other than just a skinny, happy wife!!! GOOD FOR YOU AND HUBBY!!!!! Michelle
on 2/10/05 2:05 pm - Tacoma, WA
Hey Michelle. I just got home and was a little surprised there's only been like 23 views. I originally posted on the main board (don't know how that happened) and I just checked it and there's 365 views! Not sure what that means about us Washingtonians. Any news on a surgery date yet? Love Diana
on 2/10/05 2:24 pm - Oak Harbor, WA
No news on the surgery date yet, but things may be changing. I'm considering changing my surgeon - more news on that in another post!! Michelle
Tanja Y
on 2/10/05 11:54 am - Wahiawa, HI
You're so right! I've always thought we had an awesome sex life before I had surgery, but WOW it has made a BIG difference! I've lost 145 pounds and can easily get and stay in positions that just wern't possible before. I've always been very flexible and now it's just amazing to me how more flexible I am. Dh just loves it! LOL ~Tanja
on 2/10/05 2:08 pm - Tacoma, WA
Tanja, congratulations on your 145 pounds lost! I'm so happy for you and your hubby. YOU GO GIRL! Love Diana
on 2/10/05 1:42 pm - Federal Way, WA
I have to agree with this 100%. Me and dear hubby have both had wls done and between us have lost over 300 lbs. I have now lost a total of 170 and he has lost about 140. I am 3 wks post op from my tummy tuck and just cannot wait until I get better and get this dang drain tube out of me - you can imagine the fun we are going to have then!!!!!!!!!! it is all sooooo well worth it - the different positions, the not getting out of breath, actually having the energy to do it more than once a week, its just awesome. Oh and one other thing we enjoy - dancing. We can dance and be able to put our arms all the way around each other - man I would never ever go back to the old us again for anything in the world. God Bless, Joy 340/167/??
on 2/10/05 2:20 pm - Tacoma, WA
That is so cool you guys lost all that weight and did it together. I'd like to hear more about your tummy tuck. I'll check your profile. I'm still a ways away from that but am interested in hearing about the recovery. Sounds like it's much more painful than the gastric bypass surgery, but I guess that's pretty obvious. I like to dance too but not quite ready to do it in public. My husband doesn't have much rhythm. Well I hope your drain tube comes out soon so you can get back to doing the more important things that we married folks do. Love Diana
Kimanne B
on 2/10/05 2:17 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
YOU LUCKY GIRL YOUUUUUUUU!!!!! I can't wait to try out my new moves But unfortunately, I don't have that special someone yet I do know that I have been going dancing every weekend and get a lot more attention.. its very flattering Keep up the good work chickie babe and I'm so glad they got that darn needle out of ya! XoXo! Kimanne
on 2/11/05 12:16 am - Tacoma, WA
Hey Sexy Girl! Nice to hear from you and glad to hear you've been going dancing every week. I would love to get back into that. It's such good exercise and fun too. I've been sticking with in front of the mirrors at home or in my car (upper body and hips (bump & grind) good for the gluts ) When are you going to post a new photo? I sent a new one in on the 6th. Not sure how long it will take to get posted. I kind of wish I can take it back though because I'm not smiling at all and frankly look kind of mean. I started listening to Prince again more and more and my husband even was getting into it one day. I think I told you he used to turn the station whenever one of his songs came on? It's amazing how much power we gain with men when we start to lose weight and they begin to realize that there really are plenty of fish in the sea (for us women) and they're not the only one that might be interested.
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