Wow moment for me
Yay!!! Good for you Cori!
When are we going to go to Silver City?
I remember you mentioned you were e-mailing your stats to the Doc, can you e-mail me the info I would need to e-mail my stats in? I missed my appointment last week, and I just can't find a day to get my toosh over there anytime soon. It seems to take up an entire day and evening when I do go over and I am so busy with Derek, preschool, t ball, the twins, and working out, I just don't have a day to go...I can imagine it's a hassle for you to get over here too.
Looks like you're almost at goal! WOW you're doing great keep up the hard work!

~103 pounds....27-32 more to go...

See, now this is why I am leaving this state. There are so many thin beautiful women running around. 

We are going to need updated pictures really soon. Does it seem like the last 6 months has flown by? It seems like yesterday we meeting. Now we are both new women (at least on the outside).
Good for you,

LOL Hat, you're so funny, I always love your posts! You'd better not desert us when you move out of state!
Anyway, if anyone wants a current pic. of me, I posted it on our website: