2:30 to 3:30 am

on 2/4/05 8:57 pm - NM
So, what do you do for fun in the middle of the night? Sometimes I like to take the dog for a walk. And, some nights, I like to see how life on the dark side would be. OK, so it wasn't really my choice. And, I found out I am not good at it at all. Take tonight for instance. I can't sleep. So, I decide to take the dog out for a lap. All was great until we tried to get back in the house. The lock is one of those where it will either auto lock or not. I don't really like the auto lock, but the kids turn it on sometimes to surprise me. Boy was I surprised when I found out they had it on tonight. I have no idea how old it is out there, but too cold to sleep out there. Plus, can you imagine the rumors if I was asleep out on the doorstep when the neighbors started getting up in the morning. For 15 minutes I rang the doorbell. For 15 minutes, no one can. I decided to add an extra element and started beating on the kids' window with a broom. Our house is two story, so it was a balancing act just to get the broom high enough. I knew I would probably scare the heck out of them. But, I was getting cold. Giving up on that, I decide to try DH's bedroom window. Surely he will get pissed off and look out if someone is throwing stuff at the side of the house. OK, so I was aiming for the window, but my aim is bad. Nope, he didn't care if Canada had just invaded WA state. He slept through it. Feeling really stupid now and not wanting to have to sleep in the car, I decide it is time to break in to the house. Because of the puppies, we have the gate blocked in the back yard. So, I have to climb over it. Not a pretty picture. And, I figure that if a cop is going to drive by, it will probably be at this point and I will get shot. Although, I doubt that sound of either the gun shot or my screaming in pain from being shot in the rear would wake anyone in my house up. :-/ Once in the back yard, I realize I am going to have to get to a second story window somehow. Plus, I am worried that the covering on our backyard won't hold my weight. I move the toy box to get a better look and realize that I need to get higher. So, I head back over to move the blocks blocking the back gate. I figure the dog is scared being tied up out front and I need the ice chest from the front yard. As an after thought, I decide to try the backdoor. Yeah right. Like it would be that easy. But, it was. Doh. OH sure, now one of the kids come walking into the computer room to see what I am up to. Go figure. I have been in the house for 30 minutes. I asked him if if he heard me beating on his window. Yes. Then why didn't he open the door for me. "Why should I?" Gee, because I was lock out! Geez! Now, do you want to hear the dumbest part. This is the second time in two weeks that I have locked myself out of the house.
on 2/5/05 2:20 am - Oak Harbor, WA
ROFL!!!!! Hat, you had me in stitches this morning!! Thank you for starting out my day with a giggle!! I hope you got warmed up and have a better rest of the day, LOL! BIG HUGS~ Michelle
Amanda P.
on 2/5/05 7:16 am - Wa
LMAO Hat, funnyyy story. BUT......... Are you carazy lady or what. Ok maybe that was a stupid question but what the hell are you doing walking around Tacoma in the middle of the night??? Your hubby should be kicking your butt for that. Not sure what neighborhood you live in, but even the nicest neighborhoods have perverts and psychos just waiting for someone like you to walk by. Ok, nuff said about that, except please becareful, its scary out there when the sun goes down. As for your locking yourself out problem. I have the perfect solution. I used to lock me and the kids out allllllll the time. So my hubby bought a key pad to hook up to the garage door. No keys needed, just push in your code and voila, your in. Although.......if you dont have an electric garage door guess that wouldnt work to well huh..LOL Anyway, like I said, BE CAREFUL walking at night. Look forward to seeing you on the 13th. Amanda
on 2/5/05 11:53 am - NM
Someone would have to have serious mental issues to come after me at night. We do live on base. So, it is much safer. But, I would never walk at night if it wasn't for Mocca. She is a Staffordshire Terrior. So, she looks like a giant PitBull. She is a big ol' baby but looks meaner than heck. And, I susped that she would defend me. So far we have never seen her take a dislike to anyone. But, I feel sorry for the first person that she feels is hurting her mom. Funny side story. When we first got her, DH made a move on me on the couch. She was up and in his face really quick. She didn't growl or anything hostile. But, she looked him eye to eye. It kind of killed the moment. Hat
Chrissy P.
on 2/5/05 9:42 am - Federal Way, WA
I reaaaaallllllllly think you should write a book, Hat! I would buy it. Thanks for the story!
on 2/5/05 9:53 am - Spanaway, WA
LOL Arlene
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