Needle Left Inside Me!

Hi Sweetie! Omgosh, I would have them get it out ASAP!!!
That needle could move around anywhere inside your body and do damage. I'm sure you already know all of this so I hate to beat a dead horse, but I'd get it taken care of. I'll keep you in my prayers sweetie and keep us posted on whats going on
XoXo~ Kimanne

Sorry but I don't know how to reply to all of you at once, but thanks all for your input. I know, almost everyone mentions lawsuit but frankly I still am very fond of my surgeon. He has been totally honest with me and I discovered through Google searches that these things actually happen quite frequently. The needle is curved which makes me feel a little better, but good news is I'm having it removed Monday (2/7/05) and it will be done laparoscopically. I'll have a CT-scan done first to pinpoint the exact location of it, and then go under again. If I ever change my mind about litigation, I know that the statute of limitaitons is three years. Wish me luck for Monday and I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks all, I really love you guys.
Don't know what I'd do without you.

Diana! Your face has slimmed down so much. I don't think I have ever seen anyone with that much change in just a month. Amazing.
As for the needle, ewwww. I have to respect the guy for being honest with you. Either he is really a good guy or trying to cover his butt in case you ever wanted to sue. One of the reasons I didn't want a lapband was because I didn't want a foreign object in my body. Nuff said.
Good luck and keep us posted.
Hi Hat. I just took more photos today and it's amazaing how much more my face has changed. I'll have to update soon. I'm down about 46 pounds since surgery and 58 since my "before" photo. My doctor is a really good guy. He's removing the needle tomorrow and it should be a day surgery procedure. Will keep you posted.