follow up
Update on yesterdays prayer request;
The insurance commissioners board meet at 2:00 this afternoon. My DH went and took along with him some family pictures (w/o faces), and a second letter (the first was sent in the initial request packet) from me regarding the surgery and why I need it. I think my DH being there and speaking was a good thing. But they didn't decide at that meeting much to my frustration
I'm still waiting. I sat here and did housework and typed some stuff I've been avoiding completing for awhile. Sick to my stomach with nervous anticipation.
I guess the next move was to have an executive board meeting, which I believe followed the initial meeting. The first meeting was open for people to attend. The executive meeting is closed. So DH came home and we are still waiting. I don't know if I will get a letter in the mail tomorrow, the next day, or in a month.
Because it is a self funded insurance the only thing we can do is hope, pray and wait. So thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the care, prayers and replies. I'll let everyone know as soon as I know. And until then I'm still praying, waiting and trying to stay positive.
If my stomach could take it I'd contemplate drinking my worry away
Oh well thinking about drinking leaves less chance of a hangover