Mtg tomorrow - Approx 24 hrs
O.k. I warned everyone that I would be back asking / requesting / begging
for prayer. Tomorrow (Friday) my insurance company would be meeting at 2:30 for their regular committe meeting. At this meeting they will be determining my future. Meaning they will be deciding whether they will approve my surgery request. I hit a real low last week when I called to find out where the board meeting was being held and was informed that they had decided twice before to "take no action" meaning "denied" for two prior requests.
I am hoping, praying and staying as positive as I can.
Believing that (this) their third request, will be the lucky number.
I know that so many of us need prayer and ask for prayers, that it can be overwhelming. But then again many or most of us know the power of prayer. And the power of prayer in mega force can work miracles.
My DH is going to attend the meeting and read another letter I wrote (besides the one I sent with the request packet) And offer a few comments of his own. We're hoping that having someone there in person to face them will tip the scales (pun intended) in our favor.
Thanks to each of you who care enough to read this and pray.
Sorry if this is a repeat for some I'm posting on a couple of boards because this is so important to me.