Questions for my surgeon
This is a list of questions that I've compiled for my consult on Monday. Anything else I should ask??
How long have you been doing the lap RNY and how many have you done?
What percentages of your patients have complications?
How many mortalities have you had?
What kind of aftercare do you have if there are problems?
What are the follow-up procedures that I will need to follow? (i.e., nutritional, vitamins, etc.) And is there a particular brand of nutritional supplements that you suggest?
I have had diarrhea since my cholecystectomy, will that get better, worse, or stay the same post op?
What will I have for pain management in the hospital and when I return home?
Can I do my follow-up in Oak Harbor? How often will I need to follow up there or with you? (for all of you on the board, my surgeon is almost 3 hours away from my home - this is why I ask this question)
Will I be having a proximal RNY?
Will you be checking other organs while doing the procedure and correct any problems that you may see?
If there is a problem while doing the lap procedure, would you be comfortable opening me up if need be?
Why is there a problem with high fiber foods post op?
Are brainwaves monitored during surgery to ensure no intraoperative awareness?
Will the anesthesiologist be in the room during the entire procedure?
How long will you expect the procedure to take? What would be a reason that it may take longer?
Will you visit my husband after the surgery to tell him how it went?
How soon afterwards can he join me?
Will you put in a drainage tube and if so, why? How long will it be in place?
When will I be able to shower and/or brush my teeth?
Can I bring hard candy to suck on post op or the 'pocket packs'?
Does acid in the unused portion of the stomach cause ulcers or problems?
How often does the stoma close and need to be stretched? How large will my stoma be?
What are some common complications and/or side effects? Which ones should I not worry about and which ones require immediate medical attention?
How long will I have lifting limitations?
When can I begin going to the gym?
How much weight should I expect to lose and how quickly?
Do you recommend an annual endoscopy or other tests? Which ones?
Will I be intubated? If so, will it be taken out before or after I wake up?
Will I have a NG tube in place post op?
How large will my pouch be and how much of the small intestine will be bypassed?
That's a great list!
Leilani has a great list on her profile...
When you get to her page hit the control and f keys at the same time. That will bring up a "find" dialogue box. Type in "questions" and hit the "find" button. It will just to a link on her profile called "Questions for my surgeon" click it to go to her list.
Good work, Michelle! You are so well prepared!
Many blessings!