Well tomorrow is the big day!!.... Today I went and had my nails done as well as a pedicure and my very first massage! Yep... 90 minutes worth!

WOW.. what an expreience. I went to the Chardenay Spa in Puyallup (they have a website) and they were sooooo nice. I was worried that their table may not hold me..

but it was about the size of a twin bed... and it had a matteress on it and was made up with soft bedding. The room was warm... and since I'm modest... I asked if I could keep my panties on and they were so nice.. They said keep on whatever makes you comfortable and we will work around it. I was in heaven.

I swear that was the fassssssssstest

90 minutes of my life. But it really left me relaxed

and I'm glad that I did it.

I want to take a minute to thank all of you on here who were kind enough to write to me..

and to keep me in your thoughts and prayers. Empty Stomach is my

and she will keep you updated as to how I am doing. (stephan will email on Friday to her... as that is the first time that he will have back at a computer) She has been very supportive, and I'm so glad that I have her ! Thank you all for your kindness and support. I don't know what I would have done without all of you to encourage and "distract"

me. You guys are the best!!!
