hyped up on tea again..... look out world lol
alrighty.... so....
went to water aerobics with tanja.... man, that was cool, it doesnt smoke you as bad as real exercise until you sit down and try to stand back up again.... then ya feel it.
ohhhh and yeah, i am missing a toe. this stupid metal bench got in my way twice!!!! it bit the same toe twice!!!! in like 5 minutes!!!!!!! wanted to cry, but had to shake it off and be hooah lol but i was crying on the inside guys, it was soooooo ouchie!!!!
then another girl did it and i wanted to laugh but my toe still hurt from when i did it, so i couldnt laugh lol
but then like towards the end of it, i started feeling really fuzzy, like i was going to pass out, i was starting to get light headed. still, trying to be hooah, i shook it off as long as i could. tanja ended up driving home. couldn't kill her on the first night of water aerobics!! lol i started drinking, and had some hot tomato soup, and more liquids, and i was feeling better. my head was pounding, but i was feeling less lathargic.
ohhh and yeah, next time i decide to slack off on shaving, i wont! you know how embarassing it is to have to put your elbow above your forehead and stretch and you havent shaved in 2 days!!! yeahhhh... not pretty. even the old ladies who just gabbed the whole time had smoother pits than me. and i am 25!! thats just wrong lol at least they didnt smell though... it could have been worse. lol and fyi, when i got home and had my shower, i shaved first thing so i wouldnt forget lol
so, now that i am wearing down a little, i am going to snuggle with my baby girl, who by the way is totally my everything right now, i dont even mind the million times asking the same question in an hour... she keeps me smiling, and thats all that matters.
so.... in the words of my babygirl.....
see ya later homie lol
It was an awesome night, wasn't it! I had a blast in class and you're right.....it didn't seem all that hard until I had to start moving around last night before bedtime. My knee hurts a bit, but nothing like it would if we'd gone and I walked a mile or two on the treadmill. I'm glad the hot soup (sorry you burned your tongue
) helped and I had no problem driving your car, it was fun.
~Tanja.................who has all her toes cuz she wore flip flops.......