This thing is cool!

on 12/5/04 10:06 am - Spanaway, WA
Hi everyone, I wanted to stop in and tell you guys that this WL thing is great! Like you didn't know that yourselves. Yesterday I got into 2 pair of my blue jeans, I have a ways to go yet but these are my size 20. I still have size 16 and 14 in my closet. One of my xboy friends ask me to go out dancing but I'm not even ready for that. Who knows though what will happen when I get my tush in those size 14 pair of jeans. Hey would you all mind sharring your experience with your WL? Like the fun your having now that you didn't have before losing the weight. Tee
on 12/6/04 4:51 pm - NM
When you get into those size 14s and even smaller, you are going to be so tired. Oh and let's not forget poor. I am now wearing size 12 to 14 and medium tops. A couple of weeks ago, I started taking an interest in fashion. It kind of happened because I ran out of clothes that fit. I was going to post about one of my shopping trips, but have been too busy. I think we probably all have the same history with shopping. You pick out something with hope that it fits. You work your way into it and then with more hope, you turn to look in the mirror. If all goes well, you give it the final test. You stop holding your breath and sucking in your belly. With any luck, it still looks ok. So maybe this is how everyone tries on clothes. But, it is my method. So, we went to Walmart the Sat. after Thanksgiving. I picked up several items. DH found this outfit. It is basically a denim body suit. And, he insisted I try it on. So, I went in the dressing room with no hope of not being the store joke when I came out wearing it. I went through my routine. Every time I pull pants on, my radar tells me it isn't going to fit. My clothing radar is still out of whack. I zipped it up and prepared myself for the horror of the mirror. The mirror was kind to me. Heck, I liked what I saw. Now for the next test, stop holding my breath and let that belly fall out to its natural possition. This is where the shock came. I wasn't holding in my belly. The girl working the the dressing room complemented me and said that few people could carry off this outfit. And, DH insisted we buy it. My son said he really liked it, but I can't ever wear it to his school. Well, this and more shopping pretty much covers the poor part of the recovery. Now that I can shop, I can't stop. And, you know if you have the clothes, you have to use them. So, that is why I am so tired. I have been out being social. The neighbors wives and I have been going out every other week or so. Since it is a bunch of girls, we haven't ever really relaxed. But, Friday night we took the guys with us. Heck, we even took an extra guy with us. So, four guys and three wives. We all figured we were safe. So, the party was on. Oh, and I wore my denim body suit thing. You would think that guys would leave an old married woman alone when she is out with her husband and his buddies. But, men have never proven to be the smartest when they are drinking. We heard some sad pick up lines. And, one guy had to be encouraged to let go of me on the dance floor. DH was more than happy to do the encouraging. My DH is being really cool about everything. So far, he hasn't shown any jealousy. Heck, he wants me to look good when I go out. But, he is dealing with his own demons. He admits that he is worried that I will trade up. It's not going to happen, but I think it is a common worry with the husbands. I admit that I am way more confident that I was when we got together. But, when we got together, I was thin from being really sick and chose him then. Here of late, it has been an emotional rollercoaster for me too. I have heard women say that before surgery, they were invisible. But, for me, I wasn't invisible. I could hear comments. I knew what they were thinking when they elbowed their buddy and pointed at me. Now they are still doing it. But, for another reason. So, when I hear a sad pick up line, I have no trouble being rude when I shut them down. I know that just 4 months ago they would have been rude with me. So, I figure they have it coming. But, still, I see myself as a fat girl. And, when I see another girl being disrespected, I feel so bad for her. I am also not shy when it happens either. On the flip side, when I am comfortable with people I have known for a long time and get a little flirty, I feel cheap. I know there is no reason to feel that way, but my inner fat girl tells me I should be hiding in the corner. I am constantly trying to figure out how outgoing is too much. I think finding the new me is going to take time. I'm the first to admit that I have changed. My relationship with my husband has only gotten better. I am still the same mom...just faster. But, I am different. Now I will look people in the eye when I speak to them. I have actually become social. It has all been better than I thought. But, the mental side of it kind of surprised me. It came on pretty much over night. I think the biggest thing for me is that I never thought I could make a guy's head turn. And, now that I have, I am not sure what to do with it or even if I like it. Hat
on 12/7/04 8:23 am - Edmonds, WA
Man, Girl!!!! You sound great! You should post - or send - new pics! I loved reading about your shopping experience! I've only just recently caught a teensy bit of the shopping bug. Right now I'm in the market for new underwear (I'm saying goodbye to my grannypanties) and a bathing suit. Shopping for new underpants should be fun - no trying on necessary. The bathing suit is another thing altogether. I really would rather not, but I'm into water aerobics and flopsy and mopsy's bounce is outta control in my too-big bathingsuit of old! My plan is to go to a sports store find a nice one or two that fit well and bargainshop online. I have a stack of pants, given and bought, for my trying on pleasure. Some are goal pants I've kept from previous diets. Others are pants I bought (from thrift stores) that I knew would look good if I was 10 lbs lighter. I have few fitting shirts. I don't really want to wear the unflattering shapeless shirts from before, but I also don't want to spend too much on transitional stuff. It sounds like it might be a necessary evil, tho! ;) Now, Hat, back to you - you really must update your profile! What are you eating these day? Are you keeping foods down better? What are you doing for exercise - you really have dropped weight so fast! What was the final outcome of your hubby's job? Sorry I can't bemember! Many hugs! Nan
on 12/7/04 10:57 am - NM
I don't have pictures in my cat suit (that is what my neighbor calls it) yet. DH was going to take some last week, but by the time we were ready to go out, there was no time. I'll send you a copy when we finally get it done. I have thought about posting pictures to my profile if I can get some taken that don't show my face. I still keep my surgery to myself, but it seems people are talking. My big thing is that I don't want anyone back home to know. I was going to send out family pictures with our Christmas cards. But, since I take the pictures, it is hard for me to be in the pictures. My husband has been discharged from the Air Force. We found out 11-8. At that time, they told us he had 30 days left. But, they still haven't cut his orders. With out the orders, we can't do anything. So, I am assuming that it is 30 from when the orders are cut. I am not complaining too much though because it means an extra month of employment for us. And, I have needed the medical care. I found a lump in my breast over Thanksgiving weekend. If they had cut us lose right away, I wouldn't have been able to have had it checked out. As it turns out, I went for a mammogram and they found another lump. They said to not be too concerned, but have it check out in 6 months. I told them I wouldn't be able to do that. So, they took an extra close look at it. They still want me to have it checked again, but feel comfortable that it is a safe lump. Since my last stretching last week, I have been eating better. I still don't eat as much as most newly post ops. But, I have found that Bloody Marys go down well. So, I get my vitamins when I go out. Buying clothes that show off my now socially acceptable curves is so much fun. I never want to go back to square shirts that cover everything to my knees. We have discussed going to his shop's Christmas party. I really want to go buy a little black dress. But, I don't think I will since it would be a one wear item. At least everything else can be worn many times. Buying new underwear was fun too. Another neighbor was after me to stop wearing granny panties. I put it off until I started buying low cut waist jeans. Then I had to. It took a while to get used to the low rise jeans, but now I rather enjoy them. My big fear is that I will move and my belly will show. It doesn't look too bad under clothes, but nude it is gross. Last week I decided to go ahead and get my belly button pierced. Then I had a good look at my belly button and decided against it. Maybe if we can save enough for a TT, I will get one then. Ok time to run. Thanks for the reply. Hat
on 12/8/04 2:28 am - Edmonds, WA
I am glad to be caught up. Hopefully I will retain some of your update in the seive of a brain! ;) I didn't know that you were keeping your surgery quiet. Wow! That must be a challenge -- especially since you have lost so much, eat so little and had a 5 month stomach flu! ;) I think it's great that you thought about that part of it and made it happen. I'll pray that orders are not cut too soon and your time is extended. Does DH have any idea on employment in civilianland? I know it's a hard transition! How are you holding up about the lumps? It sounds like the docs are sure, but how do you feel? How are your labs coming back after so many months of low nutrition? Are your supplements doing their job? Who did your last stretching - does DrW or someone else? I drank wine this week. It was a pleasure. Felt warm and relaxed. No nutritional value tho :| Get your nose peirced! I feel the same about my belly button - it's not prime realestate to draw attention to! But I might just do it anyway! We'll see. Or maybe I'll wait and have the perfect BB made just for me to hang jewels from! Hugs! Nan
on 12/7/04 3:19 pm - Spanaway, WA
Wow Hat you sound soooooo great! I'm so very happy for you. Hey why not enjoy the new you. Growing up I was always in shape and started gaining the past 5 years, so I know what it is to be shapely and fat; And what comes along with both sizes. The additude from people can be very hurtfull. I have notice just with the 40lbs I've lost more men are checking me out and it wasn't that way before losing it. You just have fun girl and enjoy the attension. Tee
on 12/7/04 7:48 am - Edmonds, WA
I'm right there with you, Tee! I love the losing side! I love that, more often than not, the scale is my friend and not a dreaded foe! I love seeing clothes fit better every week. I love dropping sizes and hitting little and big landmarks. I am over half way to my goal weight and I no longer qualify for WLS! I am 1 lbs away from being simply "obese"! I am 4 lbs away from really weighing what my driver's lisence says I do. I am 5 away from ONEderland! I'm 28 lbs from the century club and 30 lbs til I am just "overweight"! I've gone from a size 24 to a size 16. Love it! I'm with you - looking forward to those 14s! A size 12 or 10? OMGoodness, those are skinny people sizes! There are plenty of days that I wonder if I'm doing ok... I have a lot of old thought patterns that creep in and have their way with me. I can be overly critical when my WL slows, but I am learning to trust God on that one. I worry also about the distant future -- 3 years out or more. Will I stay with it? There again, I have to give it to Him and consentrate on today. It's a process! Thanks for the thread! I'm anxious to hear how you progress! Blessings! Nancy
on 12/7/04 10:33 am - NM
"I've gone from a size 24 to a size 16." WOW! Do people still recognize you? I am happy with my weight loss, but your moving twice as fast as I am through the sizes. If you were any closer, I would be begging for your hand me downs soon. Hat
on 12/8/04 2:01 am - Edmonds, WA
I'm not convinced that the change is all that dramatic. You know, my mind has not caught up. Most people have seen me at this weight before - I have been all over the scale in the last decade or two!! Once once in the last decade did I get down to a size 14, tho. Nancy
on 12/7/04 3:28 pm - Spanaway, WA
Hey girl where are your up dated pics? I can't wait to see the new you. I was feeling kind of bumb today cause the scale I used said I've lost 40lbs. Do you think thats about right? My wls was Oct. 19th. I can't wait to start shopping myself, I love the style of little clothes. Nan I'm so happy for you! We all need to go on an all day shopping spree together, wouldn't that be fun? Tee
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