What's the buzz?

on 11/22/04 3:09 am - Edmonds, WA
Hey y'all! Just wanting to hear from all my WA friends. What's new with you? Where are ya at in your journey? Whatcha eating? Are you active? Weight loss? New insights? Next goals? Worried about the holidays? I'm 9.5 weeks postop. I can bend over to tie my shoes! I can cross my legs, too. I bought (and wore) a pair of real shoes for the first time in years - cute lace up boots with a heal! I hope to be in ONEderland by my next Dr appt - Dec 9th. People are starting to notice! I eat a lot of cheese. Tell us about you!!! Hugs, Nancy 09/16/04 RNY 276/207/150 -69# total, -48# since surgery
on 11/22/04 5:11 am - Bellingham, WA
Hey Nancy, I called the doc's office again today and guess what??? STILL NO STINKIN LETTER! I am getting really frustrated with this but I am gonna stick with it. I am hoping they call me back when they return from lunch. I talked to the receptionist and she is almost as pissed as I am! Thanks for trying to get the board more active! I just feel so insignificant on the main board. Seems like if you aren't in a clique over there you get ignored. I would much rather talk to and support our own Washingtonians and anyone else who feels the same way I do. You are doing soooo awesome! Lori
on 11/22/04 7:57 am - Edmonds, WA
Make sure you post updates on your progress. I know that the waiting was one of the hardest parts of the entire journey for me! Trust that God will work things out in His perfect time. Nan
Amanda P.
on 11/22/04 8:38 am - Wa
Hey there Nancy. CONGRATS on your weightloss thats fantastic!!! Glad to hear your doing so well. Seeing how we have the same surgery day IM 9.5 weeks post-op too, things have gone really well for me. Like you, I eat a lot of cheese too. I mainly live on salad, veggies, soup, rice cakes, mashed potatoes, peanuts and of course cheese. Any kind of meat does not sit well with me at all. But I have never been a big meat eater anyway so I dont feel like Im missing out. Eggs dont sit well either. The things Ive noticed the most about losing weight are, my knees and back hurt less and less(what a relief) the arms on my computer chair are no longer cutting into my thighs, I can bend over and tie my shoes and Im finally starting to fit back into my 22 from 28/30's. Well, thats where Im at right now, I can only pray that the rest of my journey goes as smoothly as it has so far. I hope everone is doing well. Warmest wishes to you all!!!! Amanda 330/284/140
on 11/23/04 2:29 am - Edmonds, WA
My knees are MUCH happier too, Amanda! What a great drop in size! Doesn't it feel good. I am starting to feel smaller and enjoy taking up less room. You sound great! I am so glad you posted! Nan
Amanda P.
on 11/22/04 8:38 am - Wa
Hey there Nancy. CONGRATS on your weightloss thats fantastic!!! Glad to hear your doing so well. Seeing how we have the same surgery day IM 9.5 weeks post-op too, things have gone really well for me. Like you, I eat a lot of cheese too. I mainly live on salad, veggies, soup, rice cakes, mashed potatoes, peanuts and of course cheese. Any kind of meat does not sit well with me at all. But I have never been a big meat eater anyway so I dont feel like Im missing out. Eggs dont sit well either. The things Ive noticed the most about losing weight are, my knees and back hurt less and less(what a relief) the arms on my computer chair are no longer cutting into my thighs, I can bend over and tie my shoes and Im finally starting to fit back into my 22 from 28/30's. Well, thats where Im at right now, I can only pray that the rest of my journey goes as smoothly as it has so far. I hope everone is doing well. Warmest wishes to you all!!!! Amanda 330/284/140
on 11/22/04 10:31 am - Bonney Lake, WA
Hi All! Okay, what's going on with me? Well, I am 6 weeks and a couple of days out and I am down 30 pounds. I feel it has been going slow, but my body must have been in starvation mode, because I have lost 4 pounds in the last three days. I can eat almost anything. However, got a little over confident and made a mistake with pizza crust and tried a couple of bites of that last week and did not feel well for two days. Meat goes down fine, rice is fine (as long as it is in small amounts), pretty much everything, so I guess I am pretty lucky. My husband grabbed my hiney the other night and asked "where did your butt go?" So I guess that is a good thing. I am 1/3 of the way to goal...which is a WAY KEWL way to look at the weight loss I have accomplished. All I have to say is 60 more pounds, here I come!! YIPPEEEE!!! Take Care All! Laura
on 11/23/04 2:33 am - Edmonds, WA
I had lost 30 lbs at 6 weeks too. It was a hard time for me b/c I was worried that I was somehow failing this too. There was a lot of other crap contributing to that mindset, but know looking back I think "WOW, I was doing well and had every reason to be proud." I had a few weeks of slow weightloss and like you I picked back up after my body had done some adjusting. How great it is that you have lots of food choices. 1/3 your way to goal is amazing for only being 6 weeks out! Congrats! Keep up the great work! Nan
Chrissy P.
on 11/22/04 10:54 am - Federal Way, WA
Hi Nancy! Good to hear from you! I went back to work with a vengeance a couple of weeks ago and have barely come up for air. I love my job so that's OK, and it feels good to be shrinking all the time. I am working late tonight and am swimming in the jeans that I couldn't fit into pre-surgery. I had surgery a little over 6 weeks ago, and I have lost 39.5 lbs!! This is so exciting! I pretty much eat whatever I want now, but I stay away from sugar when possible. Sugar is in everything, I find! I am still supposed to be eating "soft solids," but I left them behind a while ago. Carefully. Cautiously. I found a way to eat protein powder, finally. I put the Costco brand Whey Protein into sugar-free, fat-free Jello chocolate pudding. It actually tastes good. My favorite foods at this time are peanut butter, nuts, cheese, egg salad, scrambled eggs, no-sugar-added Klondike bars, Lo-Carb whole wheat bagels (found them at Safeway-wow), cottage cheese, Cheez-It crackers (a surprising amount of protein in them), applesauce, whole-wheat saltines, tomato soup, and fortifying everything with non-fat dry milk powder (adds protein and tastes fine). I get in real trouble if I don't eat enough during the day, then I'm hungry at dinner, and I eat too much too fast, then I end up in the, ahem, bathroom. I did that twice in a row last week! You'd think I'd learn, but I guess I needed to do it the hard way. I do fine with meats, especially salmon. Meat is not something I crave, however. The other night I had part of a small cheeseburger, because I wanted the taste, but I ate too much and out it went. Do you notice that we all spend so much time talking about barfing? I don't mind it at all. I am just glad that I have a group of people that I can discuss my bodily functions with. Let's see, exercise is going great. I feel so darn good out there, and I go faster than ever. I am training for the Vancouver Half Marathon with Team in Training. Fun! Fun! Fun! I am glad to hear that you are well! And everyone else, this only gets better! Happy Turkey Day! For some, liquid turkey, for others, pureed turkey, for most of us, a few bites of turkey, chewed really well! -Chris 281/241.5
on 11/23/04 2:41 am - Edmonds, WA
OH! I'm going to check out cheezits. I don't eat many things from the starch group -- except my morning oatbran which also has a good amt of protein, considering the food group! Like you I fortify what I can with powdered milk. I like that better than protein powders. OMG!! A 1/2 Marathon! WOW! I am soooo impressed. Good on you. Do they train you on how to not trip over your own feet? I'd need training like that! ;) Congrats on your fabulous weightloss - you are doing really good! I know you must feel good! That's the best part, I think is how much better I feel on the inside! Hugs, Nan
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