stoooooopid jerks

on 10/21/04 1:52 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
Okay, so I decided to get off my duff and go to the gym. I get there, and all the machines are slam packed full, even the bikes and stair steppers. So, I decided to go to the track and do some walking since it was a nice day anyways. When I pulled up, there was a parking lot full of guys throwing a football around. I didnt think anything of it, since there was still people running and stuff on the track. I made it two laps, and as I came around to do my third lap, they had all moved to the track to throw their little ball. They had it blocked. I was so upset especially since I was the only one still walking, at the simple fact that they were being so rude. It's like, I have respect for the military, even though there are still a lot of jerks that need to grow up. I walked to the bleachers to get my keys, and they had moved my keys to behind one of the poles, so I couldnt find them. I had to ask where my keys were, which make me even more upset. Just the simple fact that they had to pick on the fat girl and hide her keys and run her off, so they could throw around a stupid ball really hurt my feelings. Then as I was walking away, one guy said, well, that takes care of her, guess the field is ours now. And as his buddies all laughed and chimed in, all I could think was how much I had to fight harder and work more to get this weight off. I had to deal with being a push over and being bullied since I was in 1st grade. They loved making me cry, they would call me names and hurt my feelings, they wouldnt include me unless the teacher made them, and I suddenly felt like I was back in the 1st grade again. I fought my way through high school, and I swore I wasnt going to keep fighting, mostly because thats just not part of who I am anymore, and anyone who knows me will tell you I dont have a mean bone in my body. I am going to fight though, I am going to fight every pound off of this body by any means nessesary. I'm not a kid, and I'm not going to let them get me. I am going to prove them all to be unfair little jerks, and I am going to look and feel better than I ever have! I WILL NOT FAIL!!! HOOAH!! lol I went to the gym and jumped on the first open tread, and jogged a half a mile without stopping, double what I used to do. Take that, jerks! lol okay i am done now....
on 10/21/04 2:04 pm - Everett, WA
Good on you!! Men can be such jerks when it comes to thier football! I am sure that's what they were laughing at that you were leaving and not that you were fat. I also have been fat for along time and I feel like the world is laughing at me most of the time. But they are'nt when I really stop and think about it. I will join you for a walk next time I am on the fort. Lois
Chanise D.
on 10/21/04 2:19 pm - Lakewood, WA
OOHH that gets me sooo mad....I would have gotten their units and called the 1SG on those jerks...or even a quick call to the MP's for harrasment....I would have made such a big deal out of it because as a soldier, your viewed as a PROFESIONAL....It is harrasment at the PIGGYEST (that's a new word, you can borrow it lol) form...Jerks AND good for you for not letting them steal your joy...
on 10/21/04 2:30 pm - Seattle area (Everett), WA
Oh, Renee! Thanks for not giving up -- by going to the gym and jogging on that tread, you were fighting for yourself, but also for all of us, too -- for whenever we've had those feelings of being ignored or made fun of because of our size. And when you go to the ball and meet your DH in your prom dress, you're also standing up for all of us, and saying to the world "Look out, we're on our way out of obesity, and we're going to win!" Plus, you'll be so gorgeous, and you'll be feeling pretty from the inside out! Have fun, and don't every let them get you down again! Also, you know God loves you -- you're His shining star! Peace in Him, Susan
Cori T.
on 10/22/04 12:14 am - Neah Bay, WA
sheesh, what jerks. Makes me want to yell at them "GROW UP!"
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