AARGH... Another Denial
I really thought that I had a chance this time around. I had a few poweful letters from doctors explaining the dire need I have to have gastric by pass to correct my reflux condition. Regence just looks at the exclusion policy and doesn't read anything else. Shouldn't they evaluate each person's needs individually??? I am beginning the 2nd appeal process now and look forward to getting an External Review (which I believe is reviewed by someone outside of Regence). Has anyone had any success with this type of review?
Hi Tammy, Im so sorry to hear about your denial. I have CIGNA and fought them 16 mo before I finally won. It took me 3 denials, hiring an attorney, and finally with the external review I won. I didnt have an exclusion tho, just a bunch of pencil pushing idiots that obviously cant read. Anyway, with every insurance company, the answer is yes, all external reviews are done outside the company. I wish you the best of luck, I pray that your denial be over turned. You seem to be a fighter, so DONT GIVE UP!! Take care.......Amanda