Tootin my own horn "toot toot"

Amanda P.
on 9/29/04 12:36 pm - Wa
I had my 2 week post-op visit today and Im down 20lb in 2 weeks I am so excited. Hmmmm 20lb in 2 weeks with surgery VS 20lb in 6 months with dieting. Yep I'd say I made the right choice. I also got the rest of my staples out talk about relief, I had to take pain meds at night just to sleep with those things cause they hurt so bad. There is this gal that I met on here over a year ago, that has the same surgeon and crappy insurance as me. She thankfully didnt have to go through all the appeals that I did, but she did have to jump through many hoops to get approved. She had her surgery 3 weeks before me. We have never met, just emailed and talked on the phone. Today at my Dr. appt. I ran in to her and met her for the first time, it was great. We were sitting beside each other in the waiting room and didnt know it. It wasnt until after we had both seen the Dr. and were setting up our next appt. that we found out who each other was. So we ended up chatting outside for over an hour, it was great. Anyway, I'll shut up now, just had to share my excitement with someone Take care all.........Amanda
Kimanne B
on 9/29/04 4:12 pm - Near The Emerald City, wa
Amanda, congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 20 lbs in two weeks WOW!
Amanda P.
on 9/30/04 9:10 am - Wa
Thank youuuuuuu Kimanne. Feels great to FINALLY see that scale head the opposite direction for once. And just think, in 11 days it is your turn and your scale will be going nowhere but downnnnnnnn. Yippieeeeee. Take care.........Amanda
on 9/30/04 4:32 am - Edmonds, WA
Yahhoooooo! I know how great it feels to be rid the 20 lbs! Good on you!!! Congrats! Nan
Amanda P.
on 9/30/04 9:20 am - Wa
Thank you Nancy. I read your profile cause I been wondering how you been doing. CONGRATS to you also!!! Your doing great!! Im finally getting my energy back, still get tired, but Im much more peppy the past few days. Like you I had depression, but mine was bad. I didnt want to do anything but lay there and cry. Thank god that it only lasted a couple days and is gone. I hate feeling like that. I hope your feeling better and you are getting your energy back also. Just remember you have a wholeeeee crew here for ya (not that you need reminding) so let us know how your doing. Take care.........Amanda
on 10/1/04 2:16 am - Edmonds, WA
Thanks so much for your encouragement, Amanda! I really appreciate it. Today is a better day. I have gumption, but lack much energy for follow thru. I much rather this than no gumption and no energy! It's so great to be able to come here and know that others understand!! Have a fabulous day!!
Julia B.
on 10/1/04 9:39 am - Puyallup, WA
Hi Amanda! Congratulations on your 20 pound loss!! I might have been in the waiting room with you too since I was at Dr. Oh's office that day for my 1 week follow-up. I was only down 4 pounds cause I didn't dare take off my shoes for fear I'd never get them back on! I got half of my stitches out and can't wait till next week to get the rest out. They're driving me nuts! Keep up the good work! Julia
Amanda P.
on 10/1/04 2:03 pm - Wa
Thank you so much Julia. What time was your appt. that day? Mine was at 2:15 but Dr. Oh was running behind so it was a pretty full waiting room. I was sitting facing the door, right next to the check in desk. There were 2 ladies talking about there surgeries and they were both a week post-op. One had short blonde hair and the other was dark shoulder length hair. Oh and the blonde ladies hubby and little boy came in and left cause it was so full in there. Were either of those ladies you by any chance......LOL Anyway CONGRATS on your weight loss!! Doesnt it feel great to see that scale going down at a good pace for once? Do you have staples or stitches? If you do have staples, they really start to get scabs growing over them (at least mine did) so I started putting neosporin on them 2 days before My 2 week appt. it really softens them up so It didnt hurt when they came out. Take care...........Amanda
Julia B.
on 10/1/04 2:26 pm - Puyallup, WA
What a small world! I do remember you and your friend and remember thinking that it was odd that you didn't act like you knew each other in the office, but were talking away as if friends when I left. I was the blonde with the husband and son who didn't want to stay in the van with the vcr to entertain. I can't wait to be able to drive by myself again! And I also can't wait to get the rest of my staples out. Thanks for the tip about the neosporin. I actually put some on tonight because I have one small spot that is oozing (gross!) and I want to make sure it's healed before I see Dr. Oh on Wednesday. Do you have any other little tid bits of wisdom you'd like to pass on? Julia
Amanda P.
on 10/1/04 4:09 pm - Wa
Wow, yes it is a small world. I wanted to ask you if you go to any support meetings there in puyallup? The gal I was talking to lives in puyallup also and we were talking about going to a group there. It would be great to "formally" meet you and go to a group............Amanda
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