What to eat?

Rachael E.
on 9/27/04 3:24 am
I am sick of boost....I can't stand the toffee pecan flavor....HELP I have 4 1/2 more weeks of the crap....my stricture will probably extend it even more. I give up on eating.....my body is is starvation mode....I only drink carb countdown OJ, FF milk, water....and on occasion diet snapple.....I feel weak, but I don't wanna eat..nothing sounds good.........nothing I can have anyway....I want pizza...yeah I know it's not healthy, but I want it.....with olive, mushrooms, lots of cheese and....ranch to dip every bite in....I bet if I tasted it that wouldn't even taste good to me.... oh there is one thing I think I am going to go buy today....Cow cheese....you know Laughing cow cheese....when I was little my Mommy always gave it to me....they make low fat now, and I think there's some with my name on it down at Safeway.....it's making me drool thinking about it.... Has anyone had any luck with green grapes???? I just wanna freeze some and suck on them....do you think they'll make me dump? This is kind of funny.... I was feeling sick again the other night so I ran to Safeway to get some of those children's meltaway tylenol....it works great by the way...watermelon or grape punch...num. Anyway, you all know how I have been wanting a salad so bad.....well I decided to torchure myslef and go look at the salad dressings....I am into nice salad dressings....I decided to get some of the most fatening Ceasar dressing they had and I brought it home and sipped a little -it killed my craving....it was SO TASTY! Since I was only having like a teaspoon or two I didn't care about the fat....plus I haven't eaten in like 4 weeks it's not like I am going to gain weight over it. Rae
on 9/27/04 5:35 am - NM
I know exactly how you feel. Except, I have lost my desire to eat. Well, that isn't completely right. But, there doesn't seem to be any reward left in eating. I only do it because I know I have to. And, each time is a gamble. If you checked out my food diary, then you know what I mean. Yesterday was 2 oz of thin mashed potatoes with gravy. So far, it is the only food that I know won't make me sick. I tried a protein shake, but it made that spot that has been bugging me burn so bad that I had to give it up. I did manage half of it before the pain got too bad and I was one bite away from puking. So, that is something. I think my body has accepted starvation mode. I do get a little pang of hunger now and then. But, for the most part either that spot starts to act up and stops thoughts of food or it passes on its own. Milk was going well for me, but not any longer. Pizza used to be my favorite fast food. We had it several times a week. I chewed and spit a bite yesterday and found it gross. My tastes have changed so much. I finally broke down and called the gastro. I have an appointment in about 3 weeks. Two things **** me off about all of this. I know I would be losing more if I could stimulate my metabolism. The other is more serious. I am worried that I am damaging my body in the long term. The good thing about all of this is tha****er is going down really easy. I can't stand the flavored waters. But, just plain water is working out just fine for me on most days. Good luck. This too shall pass.
Rachael E.
on 9/27/04 11:43 am
yeah, I know what you mean when you say you eat only because you know you have to. It scares me when my heart is palipitating...sp? I know it because my body has nothing to run off of. I hate protien shakes now....I CAN'T STAND THEM. One look at a protien shake will make me vomit. NO THANK YOU. Sometimes I think....I want to be normal again....I don't want to take my meds anymore-they make me so sick.....I just want to be normal again....but then I re-think that and I would still do it again. Not once have wished I wouldn't have done it.....I just wish I didn't have to take my medicine anymore.... I don't enjoy eating like I use to....food isn't even tasty anymore....I do they chew up and spit out thing then I think to myself....what the hell did I do that for when it didn't even taste good.....I am resigning from the chew spit club.......it's no fun anymore.... HAT, have you tried that electrolyte enhanced water? I can't spell for those of you who don't know me....everyone else knows that allready.... anyway, it's about a buck 50 and you can get it at fred meyer....and trader joe's.....I am sure a few other places has it as well. Fred myers has a knock off and it like 99 cents....it's suppose to help hydrate you better.....since I can't get much in I am drinking those for awhile....you figure it cheaper than going to McDonald's even if you drink 2 a day.....and better for you. I am sick of the flavored water too....I am all propelled out...... I wish they had some great tasting drink- that you'd get eveything you needed in one drink so I wouln't have to think about what I have had and that I haven't had enough....and all that crap. We're really saving on toilet paper here at our house....seems like D and lukie are the only ones who use it anymore....I don't even pee like I should be........I know I know enough allready... I'm gunna go get some water....hey HAT wanna meet for water next week? LOL Rae
on 9/27/04 1:39 pm - Yorktown, VA
I miss eating too! But even more...I'm tired of "foaming"!!! All i seem to be able to keep down these days is pudding fortified with protein powder....but its getting so old so fast....... and even propel is upsetting my stomach........so I've switched back to apple juice and water. I thought I'm supposed to be getting more and more to add in but it seems this last week its back to square one over and over again.... I like the numbers on teh scale moving backwards, but man! to keep somethign down would just be heaven these days! Stacie
on 9/27/04 8:07 am - Maple Valley, WA
Rachael - have you tried getting protein drinks in. Champion has a good chocolate one that tastes kind of like yoohoo (??). The body uses protein for healing and muscles. It is also needed at the cellular level. I've heard the Isopure vanilla is good too, but haven't tried it and it is pricey at GNC. Costco has a good one which I've not tried, but others have said its good. Looked at it this weekend and it was about 20 bucks. The protein isolate is better than protein concentrate. Protein isolate is more easily absorbed. What about some sf Carnation Instant Breakfast, or V8 or clamato or clam juice? Those at least wouldn't be sweet tasting.
on 9/28/04 1:09 am - My hometown, WA
Rachael, I'm sorry to hear you're still having a hard time of it, but it does get easier. I had a hard time where you're at and I couldn't stand the protein shakes so I actually chewed on Beef Jerkey for my protein. As gross as it sounds I chewed until there was no taste or protein left then I threw it out and chewed some more. Worked great for me. I got a lot of protein in and didn't have to take the shakes. I didn't want to eat at first and that didn't come back for about four months before I felt like eating, but the relationship with food is different. I still don't eat many meals because I'm starving I eat because I know I should. I'm glad for that. I'm glad that my life doesn't revolve around food anymore. Food still tastes good to me, but I just don't obsess over it anymore. Hang in there, I promise it does get easier. How's Derek doing with his? Is he having any problems eating? Calvin
on 9/28/04 2:16 am - Edmonds, WA
I was glad to read this entire thread. It's hard to describe to others around me how I feel like in regards to food. I'm not totally sick of my options yet as I am not even 2 weeks out yet. But I relate to much of y'all have posted here. Nothing tastes the same or interests me the same. Eating is a chore, it feels. I find that somehow my mouth knows what might make me nauseous. That's weird! I don't understand how the surgery worked to make food taste different or make it less desirable. Sometimes, I want real foods. Mostly because of TV commercials. Quiznos has one for a beaf sandwich right now that makes me drool. You know that has made me the sickest? Nectar Protien drink! Crystal Light made me feel icky the one time I drank some. I haven't thrown up once. But I've had several things go right thru me! I feel the best when I first wake up in the morning and there is absolutely nothing in my stomach. It's all weird. Down 19lbs - 40 total! Nan
on 9/28/04 1:26 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
see... this is why i dont have a tv lol no temptations lol crystal lite is too sweet for me now, before when i was drinking it to get used to it, it was okay, but now its way too sweet. i try to water it down really good before i drink it now. and also, the propel waters are too sweet for me too. weird huh? congrads on the weight loss!!! you are doing awesome!!! {{{{{big hugs}}}}}
on 9/28/04 2:33 pm - NM
I know what you mean about my mouth knowing what is going to upset my pouch. While we were gone, my boys ordered waffles with strawberries. And, they wasted them. In my previous life, I would have eatten both of their meals on top of mine because I would have refused to waste food. But, I knew I couldn't know. And, I didn't much want to. But, I did want one strawberry. The minute it hit my tongue, it was rejected. I almost blew it across the table. DH was watching and threw me a napkin right away. What I really want to eat is a big fat rare T-bone. Those beef commercials drive me nuts. I would love to suck the juice out of them. Today was a good food day for me. And, I had a surprise food. We aren't Spam eaters. But, after looking at this can for 3 years, I cooked it up last week. The boys love it. Heck, what's not to love. It is completely bad for you. At the grocery story the other day, Son 2 begged for some more. So, tonight with time for diner very limited, I popped them open and tried out a half of slice for myself. Raw went down really well. Fried was a little rough. So, I stuck to the unfried. It has been an hour and it is still mine. At 4 g of fat, 0 g of carbs and 4 g of protein, it could be worse.
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