Pre-op tomorrow!
Well, tomorrow is my day of reckoning at the WISH Center. I go in for my pre-op appointment in the morning, with all of my goals, paperwork, food journals, etc., in hand. I sure hope I did everything right! I am so afraid that they'll say, "No, you're not ready for surgery yet, Chris." But they need to know that I am more ready for this than I was when I was 7 waiting for Santa! I am very hard on myself, so I am sure that I will lose sleep tonight worrying about this!
I have been working tons of hours trying to get ready to take a month off starting on the day of my surgery, October 7th. It would wreak havoc if the date is changed. I will be working right up until the day before surgery (I have to appear in court, no less). By the way, I haven't done my profile yet, but I am an attorney for a non-profit agency *****presents low-income people. So it is kinda hard to coordinate taking a month off.
So, I plan to take this month off, and ease back into work as I feel ready. I don't plan to work at all for the first two weeks, since that is the consensus I am seeing on this board.
I'd really appreciate your prayers as I head into tomorrow's appointment. I feel like I'm going to the most important job interview of my life.
Thanks for all the support and all the great posts on this board!
Sounds like you are definitely prepared, you've certainly made good use of support systems like this one which are essential, you've got your logs and you know this is what you want and need. I am sure your pre-op will go just fine. I felt exactly the same way about my pre-op just a couple weeks ago and I'm post-op 5 days!!
WISH Center is great. The Hospital is great to OK, depending on time of day. I never had better treatment in a hospital and someone was almost always within calling range if I needed reassurance or help with something.
God bless you on your pre-op time and I am sure you will do just fine. Let us know!!
Karen Thompson
WISH Center, Renton
soon to enter losing statistics (at last!!)