New To Wa. Messege Board..
Hope all is going well for everyone. I am going to my seminar on 10-6 and am hoping to get the ball rolling. Would much covet your prayers, for I know we all need them. Keps smiling for God loves us all. Good luck to you all post-op, or pre-op. Love and prayers. Hope to make firneds here,

Hi there sweetie, good to see you on the WA board too. You'll have to let me know how it goes. I loved the seminar at VM. I'll be there on the 6th (in the morning) for the last of my tests before surgery!! I'm so glad you are attending the seminar, I think you'll like the staff, especially Doc T!! Keep me posted girlie, love ya, Kimanne

Good to have you stop in. I sure have missed you. I sure hope and pray that your doing good. Keep me posted on what your up to ok. Love and prayers. God bless you and your family. I know i will enjoy the seminar and I'm looking forward to what comes after. I am so excited about everything and I owe it all to you. God bless you my friend..