yeah, I am obese??
Seems like a funny thing to be happy about. And, it isn't nearly as exciting as Rachael's announcement. But, I have gone from morbidly obese to simply obese. And, I hit my 40 pound goal. My next goal is 57 pounds. It would be nice to make that by my two month anniversary, but I doubt it. The stall where I lost 4 pounds one week and 2 the next threw me off.
BTW, does anyone know what I can do with tofu? I haven't had much protein in the last 3 weeks. Drinks gag me or worse. So, I figured I could hide tofu in something. But, I have only eatten tofu twice. Once was in Okinawa when we were just trying to figure out what we were eatting.
Have a good day all!
I SO know how you feel! Last week I hit 199 and I hadn't been under 200 for over 10 years!! I called EVERYONE I knew and jumped up and down while doing the happy dance!
It was so cool and everyday since when I see that 100 something instead of 200 something....I just feel so amazing. You are so close now, just wait! Good luck! Denise

At this point, I am not all that picky. Mexican food is my favorite. But, I earned this big butt by eating just about anything. I love spicy, but my pouch isn't in love with it much any longer.
I am really hungery right now. But, the fear of getting sick makes it so I don't want anything. It's frustrating.
BTW, I messed up big this morning. I was at a soccer game. I decided to suck the juice out of an orange. At the same time, I was handing out oranges and talking to the team. Without thinking, I swallowed a big chunk of of the orange. I went to the bathroom 5 minutes later and got it back. There was no way it was ever going to make it through my stoma and I could feel it sitting there laughing at me.
Potato soup sounds good.