juice question....

on 9/9/04 3:31 pm - Kaiserslautern Military Community, Germany, XX
how long do we have to water down our juices? is it trial & error, or a permanent thing? i have been slowly adding less and less water, and so far so good, but i dont want to pu**** oh yeah, and can we have applesauce while we are on the full liquids or is that more of a pureed food? coz i figured if we could have soup and pudding and cream of wheat, we could have appliesauce too right?? i am wondering... (look out world) lol is this like a progressive thing, like if you think you can handle it, try it, and if not, dont do it again type thing? coz i think i can handle some of the really soft foods like appliesauce and smooshed up pears ya know... but theres no way im gonna try it if nobody else has.... so far i havent wretched, and i am trying to keep it that way. although i have had plenty of replacements for it... just today my darling daughter kicked me in my incision, and then later put all her force into her elbow to sit up, which just so happened to be on my belly.... ya know, now i know why some animals eat there young... man, she would have been stew!! lol but she knows just how to play the cute trick and say... i not naughty momma ... melted heart all over the place..... by the way, anyone wanting to buy a cute red head, i have one on clearance right now lol jk i ate some cream of wheat tonight and ohhhhh my goodness, it has never tasted so good to me. i only got to eat about 3 full spoons of it before i had to turn it over to kaylee, but oh man... i think i am going to live on cream of wheat for a while coz yummmmm.... so... what's new with everyone?? how do you guys deal with the food thing... my husband eats chips and everything and the smell kills me, and i want to strangle him, but i know i have to get used to it... but, little habits i had before, like tasting the food when cooking it (you know to make sure it tastes just right) and getting that first gulp of capri sun out of kaylle juice pouch so she doesnt get it everywhere... i have to really watch myself... i put a bite of chicken in my mouth earlier and was like.... oh my gosh! i started panicing and immediately spit it out. i have found though, like when they eat honey buns and sweet stuff, i found some sugar free butter toffee candy, and i sucked on one for a while instead of wanting to choke them and take their food. its such a much more peaceful home since i found sugar free candy :D hey i wonder if they make sugar free hershey syrup, coz i would pay big bucks for some chocklie milk right about now. even some strawberry milk. ohh man i am thirsty cant ya tell lol so anyways, since i have been sitting here babbling on and on (yup, my meds kicked in) i hope someone can pick out some little tidbit of what all i have said ( i dont really remember what all i typed, but oh well) goodnight and please dont think i'm crazy, its just that this is when i normally get to pester hat box and ask her all these crazy questions, and shes not on and i am on my way to la la land, so im just gonna let everyone else answer this time :D (you know you love me!) buh byeeeee
Tanja Y
on 9/9/04 5:33 pm - Wahiawa, HI
Ok, one thing at a time.......for the chocolate milk send your hubby to the commie. Go to the dairy section. Buy a carton of Carb Countdown Chocolate...it's nummy. I just love it. I have it for breakfast, 12 grams of protein in one cup! Can't beat that, more then the string cheese I was having. It's not in the milk section, it's over by the refrigerated creamers. My favorite sugar free candy is made by Sweet N Low, they're little fruit flavored ones. Might have to look for those toffee ones you mentioned. Tasting food.......I don't take bites I just dip my finger into and take a lick. For sauces and stuff it's no biggie. For bigger things I have my son taste it. I have been seen once or twice tasting something and then spitting it into the sink.....but it's not a pretty picture. LOL I don't have to worry about Dh eating chips and candy, he's deployed. BUT my kids still munch.....luckily 2 of them snack on chips I can't stand so there's no chance of me wanting any. Unfortunately my youngest likes my favorite chips.......I just try to ignore her when she eats them. Doesn't always work. I must admit I've eaten a few plain Lays. When they're eating candy and I get a hard craving, I get a small spoonfull of Skippy peanut butter, it always does the job. I buy the low sugar stuff and it tastes very sweet to me. ~Tanja
on 9/9/04 8:39 pm - Maple Valley, WA
You are so funny. I love reading your posts. Champion has a goooodd protein chocolate flavored drink. It costs about $33 bucks for a 5 lb. jug, 71 servings. It is: Champion Nutrition Whey Protein Stack, low carb with 23 grams of protein per scoop. Think it is a popular choice.
on 9/10/04 3:56 am - Edmonds, WA
STEW! You are sooo funny. Your posts are so fun to read!
Cori T.
on 9/10/04 11:13 am - Neah Bay, WA
Hey there Renee....lots of stuff in your post. As for chocolate milk. How about some sugar free pudding mix in some non fat milk? Juice, I wouldn't let it get too strong as too much sugar can be a big culprit for some people. My first experience w/too much sugar in something had me running for the bathroom 2 times. Let's see, oh, I've eaten applesauce, unsweetened kind. Here's a tidbit for your creme of wheat. Add a pkt of splenda and sprinkle in some cinnamon. Yummy!
Shanna E.
on 9/12/04 3:06 am - Vancouver, WA
I can relate with the little one...i have a 3yr old who seems to always find just the right spot to lean on or accidently kick or whatever...I carried around a pillow for the first 2 weeks and always had it over my incision area when I was sitting down just in case she wanted to climb up into my lap. The carb countdown choco stuff is good...and good for protein. i did notice that they also have sugarfree Quick in the stores the other day...so, that might work for your choco milk craving. As for juice, I never really did the watered down version. i did/do often put ice into it so it gets a little watered down there. I was drinking orange juice quite regularly at about 3wk post-op to help with a potassium problem and had no problems. I dont drink much juice now though. I am having troubles with the cooking things too. I absolutely did not want to cook for about a month post-op but now I am back to really enjoying it...problem is, I too liked to taste things to make sure its right so then by the time its ready to sit down and eat, I am too full...I'm working on that and its getting better...just a matter of being aware of what you are doing instead of the old habits of just popping a taste here and there. take care...you'll be past the liquid/puree stage soon and on to the rest of the food trying adventure soon. Shanna
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