I can't sleep...
How come I can't sleep???? I have been busy all day...I took a short nap and I didn't feel like I could even sleep then...it was like half sleeping.
I go to Dr. W tomorrow for my post op and to get my staples out...I guess I should ask him.
I tried counting sheep, but then remembered the tooth fairy is coming for the 1st time tonight!

The steri strips are just to make sure your incision stays nicely closed up.,....I am sure mine won't budge, but ya never know.
I am pretty sure everyone gets them...???
WOW, first day of kindergarten.....I would be a WRECK!!! I hope your little guy has a good day!
I hope you aren't too lonely without him.
I sleep for 2 hours at a time them I'm wide awake for a hour about I hate it. I go back to work Mon and that is the only problem I see Being so sleepy from being up all night. I went to my first support meeting a few days back and a lot said they use melotona Of course that is not splelled right. But they said it helps so I'm going to try it. I had surgery on Aug 16 and you would think I would be sleeping. And it does not matter when I go to bed or if I take a na*****t.
Let me no if you figure out any thing.
Mary Jo