Surgery count down - 8 days more!!
My Open RNY gastric-bypass is scheduled for 09-15-2004 and I am getting excited, nervous, looking forward to this, wanting to avoid this, hungry, can't eat, a whole mixture of strange feelings!! My pastor called today and will come visit me next Wednesday or Thursday in hospital and this really brought it all home. Next Tuesday at this time I'll be in the midst of the "cleansing ritual" which we undergo prior to surgery. I know people have said I'm full of it ... but now I'm going to get to say "I am not!!" and really mean it!!
Anyway, just wanted to let you all know I'm here, I'm in need of continuing support, and I really enjoy this web site. My Doctors are WISH Center, Renton and both Dr. Strain and Dr. A will have their hands in me, literally speaking!! I toured the bariatric center yesterday, have all my prescriptions ready to take and have planned out my finale dinner with spouse. We are going to a wedding on Saturday for a friend from work and then we'll dance ... eat ... dance some more ... and have lots of fun, I hope!! Sunday I plan lunch at the Olive Garden near Southcenter and Monday I'm taking it easy with food, to be ready for my big days starting Tuesday purge!!
Take Care all, and talk more later.
Karen Thompson
Open RNY 09-15-2004
Coming Fast a a race horse now!!