Think you know some one!

it's a shame this all is happening to you just when you are so close to your date. But then again, look at it this way, by getting rid of him now, you won't have to feel like the WLS had anything to do with it. (it is very common for marriages to suffer after WLS)
Right now you need to focus on YOU, you'll need to go in with a possitive attitude, and know that this is going to be the best thing you can do for yourself. I know, I'm 1yr out and down 134#s
Life is like a box of choclates, you never know what you're gonna get, and it's best to toss out the jelly ones as soon as you spot them.
Good luck to you, you're in my thoughts.
Terry, I am so sorry to hear that he wasn't who you thought he was. You deserve better. The timing is bad in a way, but then again at least you have something to look forward to. You are so fortunate to have your family and friends' support. You WILL get through this, and will be better for it. It sounds like you are giving your worries to God - good girl! He will get you through your difficult times.
Keep your chin up.
- Sounds like the normal type of guy I see every weekend in the seattle nightlife, and then they go brag about it to people... pretty sad. To be honest no matter how nice a guy seems they only do this for one thing, they can change any moment when they feel like moving on or find a better fish to catch.. that my friend is called the game.
Hi Terry,
What a (&^*&%%^^$! It is best that he is out of the picture NOW. God is awesome with His timing. Perhaps He meant for this to happen at this exact moment, so that you could go forward with your surgery as scheduled, surrounded by the friends and family that REALLY love you and support you. I am glad that you weren't three days post-surgery when you found out his true colors!! We're all pulling for you and praying for you. Be at peace in that! -Chris (been there)