Tricare/Triwest referral's to the outside
I spoke to Dr Egge at General Surgery today. He told me they are not letting anymore patients from outside the area to be put on the list for wls. Not until all the people on it and the people in this general area are finished. He did say that they are starting to do the lap. surgery and they are doing alittle more now than they were before. But it will still take along time to get through all the people on the present list. I also found out that I don't need a referral out since I have another insurance. I can just make my appointments and have the surgery done through Dr. Weber. In the end, Triwest will pay for everything. So now I have an appointment on the 13th for my orientation with Dr. Weber and hope that it goes smoothly from there.
I feel very good. My biggest problem is getting dizzy when I stand up. This happens several times a day. But, I know it is from not eating enough. Some days nothing stays down. Unlike with my stricture, this is completely my fault. I thought that by now my pouch had stretched out more than it has. I got a craving for cottage cheese the other day. I slowly ate a tablespoon amout of food and I was stuffed. My average bite is about the size of a bean. And, even one more bite would have sent me to the bathroom. It is hard to stop eatting when my taste buds are screaming for just one more bite even when my brain is telling me no.
I have started walking again. It feels good.
Thanks for asking.
I have Tricare Prime as my secondary insurer, too. My husband is retired, so that might make a diff in some of the processes. If you have any questions about my approval, I'd be happy to answer them! Email me, k?
One of the most important peices that you need is a denial from your primary insurer. Dr Weber is my surgeon too.
God bless!