Home from Surgery
Well Home from the hospital. Had surgery Mon At 8:00Am everything went well Dr said but liver was really much bigger than showed on tests so i woke up with a drain. I slept all day. Tues I started getting sick from the Morphine so i started dry heaving . So the put me on Dilotin, that made me feel better. I walked all the time and used the breathing machine like a champ. But on Weds night they changed my Pain meds again to a liquid Vicidon remember I was going home Thursday Morning any way I woke up thursday night at 1;30 AND TRIPPED OUT, i WAS CRYING , COUNDN'T BREATH, DRY HEAVING, you name it so i get go to cat scan middle of the night , they are thinking blood clot and to make a long story I had a panic attack watch made me not breath , made my blood presure rise to over 200 etc etc. I have never in my life had one before an I never want to again. So i didn't get to come home until today Fri.
I feel fine , swollen with all the IV liquids but I have taken no pain meds since that weds night. I have no pain really I can't belive it. Belly likes great ,I have to give myself Heprin shots so i have a black and blue belly but thats it.
Well I'm only begining but if anyone would like to ask me anything about my surgery or anthing else I well be glad to help.
I had my surgery at the Wish Center in Renton Wa.
Have a great Day
Mary Jo,
Congratulations on your stamina, strength and determination in this process. I am a month behind you as I have Open RNY scheduled 09-15-2004 at Wish Center, Renton and I admire your ability to bounce back!!
Hang in there and let's all keep each other company through this. I have had panic attacks in the past too (a few years ago) and they are bizarre and so real!! I thought I was having a stroke, a melt-down, and going crazy all at once - I had never heard of a panic attack before I experienced one. All you can do it keep breathing and get the help and time you need. I hope the WISH Center met your needs!!
Take care and post us all again to let us know how you're doing.
Karen Thompson
Renton, WA
Hi there Mary Jo, CONGRATS on your wls.
I know what you mean about panic attacks, I had them for a short time and they were awfull!!!!! That's one thing I was more then happy to say good bye to. lol How are you doing now that your home? I hope you are feeling better and hope you feel up to writing more soon. Take care,

Welcome home Mary Jo. It sounds like even though you had a few bumps in the road, you are doing well. It is good to hear from you. I am sorry you had that panic attack. I had one too my first night in the hospital. But, it passed quickly. I am sorry that yours was so bad.
Keep us updated please.